Setup Questions for Checks Global Policies

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. These questions follow the order of the fields as they are described in the Field List section of the topic for this page or form.


  1. Print this topic. Right-click this topic to display a pop-up menu, and then select Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on this page.
  4. Circle your answer, and then use a highlight marker to select an If statement that matches your response. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system.
  5. Send a copy of your completed questionnaire to AMSI Support.
  6. Use your answers to set up the system.

Questions for Check Global Policies

Print checks to unapproved vendors

Do I want to allow users to issue checks or direct deposits to unapproved vendors?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Check selection includes authorized invoices in unapproved batches

Do I want the system to treat any authorized invoice in a check run as an approved item? This is a way to waive the requirement that batches must be approved before checks are run.

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Require Check Run Approval

Do I want to turn the option on for Check Run Approval? Refer to field description for important information.

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Store check copies

Do I want to store check copies so that you can print a copy of a check at any time after Check Run Processing is complete?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

Require password to print checks using Signature Font

Do I want to require a password to print checks using the Signature Font?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, add a check mark.

—If no, accept the default of no check mark.

This option is used to provide additional control over security for electronic signatures for checks. To set up the security:

* This box must be checked.

* The Password and Confirm Password fields must be completed on this tab.

* The Use Signature Fonts box must be checked on the Check Format Maintenance tab for the check format for the bank.


Do I want to require a password to print checks using the Signature Font (refer to check box above)?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, enter a password.

—If no, leave field blank.

Confirm Password

Do I want to require a password to print checks using Signature Font (refer to check box above)?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, re-enter the password.

—If no, leave field blank.


Checks Effect of Global Policies