Check Format Maintenance

The Check Format Maintenance tab appears when you click Add Check Format or click the description of an existing check format from the Setup Check Formats grid.

Use this tab to add and edit check and deposit advice formats to control which fields appear on the check stub/deposit advice, the order in which they appear, the field length, and spacing between the fields. You can select up to 10 fields with up to 97 total characters.

Refer to Setup Check Formats for procedures for adding and maintaining check formats.


Checks and deposit advices use the same formats. Information and procedures that apply to checks also apply to deposit advices.


The following fields appear on the tab:


A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Description *

View or edit the text description of the check format. Check formats are identified by this description throughout the system, including on the Bank Accounts Setup Check Print Tab.

Group By

Select one of the following check printing options to determine how information is grouped on checks:

Vendor — Select this option to produce one consolidated check made out to one vendor, including payment for goods and services provided to several PropertiesCompanies.

PropertyCompany— Select this option to produce separate checks for each PropertyCompany. The checks are all made out to one vendor, with each check including payment for goods and services provided to a specific PropertyCompany.


If "Vendor" is selected, the following check box options are disabled: Print PropertyCompany Name On Stub and Print PropertyCompany Name On Check.


Select the button for the layout you want for the check and stub(s) on the form:

Check Top — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with the check at the top and one stub at the bottom.

Check Bottom Legal — The form prints on 8.5 x 14 (Legal) paper with one stub at the top and the check at the bottom.

Two Stub Top — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with two stubs at the top and the check at the bottom.

Two Stub Bottom — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with the check at the top and two stubs at the bottom.

Check Bottom — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with one stub at the top and the check at the bottom.

Three Stub Top — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with three stubs at the top and the check at the bottom.

Stub Check Stub w/Image — The form prints on 8.5 x 11 paper with stubs at the top and bottom and the check in the middle. This is the only form that allows the printing of an image (on the check).

Custom Report — This option enables you to specify the custom report formats for checks and direct deposit advice printing.

Print Vendor ID On Stub

Select this check box if you want to print the Vendor ID next to the vendor long name on the stub. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.

Print PropertyCompany Name On Stub

Select this check box if you want to print the PropertyCompany name above the check number on the stub. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.

This option is not available when the Group By Vendor check box is selected.

Print Customer ID On Stub

Select this check box if you want to print the customer ID next to the Vendor on the stub. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.

Print PropertyCompany Name On Check

Select this check box if you want to print the PropertyCompany name and address on the check. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.

This option is not available when the Group By Vendor option is selected.

Print Customer ID On Check

Select this check box if you want to print the Customer ID underneath the vendor address on the check. Otherwise, leave this check box cleared.

Check Image

If you selected the format Stub Check Stub w/Image, verify that the proper Check Image appears; if it does not, refer to Images Overview for help.

Otherwise, None appears in the field.


From the drop-down list, select one of the following options to specify where you want any additional lines to be printed when the number of detail lines on a check or advice exceeds the Lines Per Check or Lines Per Advice limit:

Void Next Check — Overflow lines are printed on the stubs of additional checks. The full amount paid is printed on the initial check and additional checks are printed with a zero amount.

None (Multiple Checks) — Lines are printed on multiple checks, with the amount paid for each check being the total amount of the lines printed on the check.

On Deposit Advice — Overflow lines are printed on additional advice forms.

On Statement — Overflow lines are printed as a statement. During the Check Print process, checks print first, with a single line of remittance data that indicates there is an attached statement. The user clicks Done to acknowledge that checks printed successfully and then a Print Statements button appears for printing the new Check Statement reports. The format of the reports depends on the check format selected.

Summarize Detail

From the drop-down list, select the level of detail to be printed on the check stub:

In Detail — Prints all transaction detail lines from the invoice.

By PropertyCompany— For each PropertyCompany, prints a single total line for the transactions being paid. This option is recommended only when Group By Vendor is the selected check printing option.

By Invoice — For each invoice, prints a single total line for the transactions being paid. This option is recommended only when Group By Vendor is the selected check printing option.

By PropertyCompany & Invoice — For each PropertyCompany, prints a single total line for the transactions being paid for each invoice. Also, the remittance data prints by PropertyCompany ID and Invoice ID. This option is recommended only when Group By PropertyCompany is the selected check printing option.

Void After Text

Type or edit the text you want to appear above the dollar amount on the check format (for example, “Void after 90 days”). If no text is entered, the text (”AMOUNT”) appears above the dollar amount.

MicrX Position

Type the number of characters for the horizontal placement of the MICR code on the check. This field is editable only when the RTF File (MS Word) output type is selected.

MicrY Position

Type the number of characters for the vertical placement of the MICR code on the check. This field is editable only when the RTF File (MS Word) output type is selected.

Select Output Type (RTF Output Type required when using Signature Font)

Select one of the following buttons:

PDF — The check and advice print in PDF format.

RTF File (MS Word) — The check and advice print in rich-text format (RTF) for use in Microsoft Word.

Custom Check Report File

Type the file name of the report file to use for printing checks (for example, "customcheck.rpt"). This field is available only when the Custom Report format is selected.

Lines Per Check

Type the maximum number of detail lines that fit on the check remittance stub. This field works in conjunction with the Overflow on Deposit option. This field is available only when the Custom Report format is selected.


The default is 25 lines per check. For a two-stub check form, the recommended maximum is 14 or fewer lines per check.

Custom Advice Report File

Type the file name of the report file to use for printing advices (for example, "customadvice.rpt"). This field is available only when the Custom Report format is selected.

Lines Per Advice

Type the maximum number of detail lines that fit on the direct deposit advice remittance stub. This field works in conjunction with the Overflow on Deposit option. This field is available only when the Custom Report format is selected.


The default is 25 lines per advice. For a two-stub advice form, the recommended maximum is 14 or fewer lines per advice.


This field displays the sequence number of the field on the check. This field is not available for Custom Reports.


Specify up to 10 fields to be included in the check format. Select the fields in the sequence order you want them to appear on the check. This field is not available for Custom Reports.



Amount Paid

The dollar amount of the check.

Customer Number

The customer number from the Setup Vendors Tab.


A text description of the goods or services being paid.


The amount of any discount applied to the payment for this vendor.

Exp Code Desc

The expense code description associated with the payment.

Expense Code

The expense code associated with the payment.

Invoice Amount

The dollar amount of the invoice being paid.

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice being paid.

Invoice Number

The identification number of the invoice being paid.

Non-Retain Paid

The amount of non-retainage being paid.

PO #

The number of the purchase order being paid.

PropertyCompany ID

The identification number of the PropertyCompany associated with the payment.

PropertyCompany Name

The name of the PropertyCompany associated with the payment.

Retainage Amt

The amount of retainage for the invoice.

Retainage Paid

The amount of retainage being paid.


Start Position

Type or edit the starting position for the field. This field is not available for Custom Reports.


When specifying a start position, be sure to account for a space between fields. For example, if the end position for the first field is 12, the start position for the next field should be 14. In that scenario, the 13th position is a blank space.


Type or edit the length (in characters) for the field. The total number of characters cannot exceed 97 characters for all fields combined, including spacing between fields. This field is not available for Custom Reports.

Default field lengths are as follows:


Default Length

Amount Paid

15 characters

Customer Number

20 characters


25 characters


15 characters

Exp Code Desc

25 characters

Expense Code

20 characters

Invoice Amount

15 characters

Invoice Date

12 characters

Invoice Number

20 characters

PO #

20 characters

PropertyCompany ID

20 characters

PropertyCompany Name

20 characters


End Position

As the Starting Position and Length values are entered for each check field, the calculated end position displays. This field is not available for Custom Reports.


Click to delete the field from the check format. This icon is not available for Custom Reports.

Sample Layout

As you add and delete fields, and specify the field lengths and starting positions, a sample of the check format displays for your review. The sample layout is not available for Custom Reports.


Click to return to the Setup Check Formats tab without saving your changes.


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Setup Check Formats

Check Print Tab