Transaction Codes Overview

Transaction codes—or types—give you a hint about the type of transaction appearing on a page. Transaction codes are hard-coded in the system and display on many pages in eFinancials/ePO. When you add a transaction using any of the Transaction menu options, the system automatically assigns a transaction code. Therefore, the codes can be provided by the general ledger, accounts payable, account receivable, or purchasing applications. Many of the transaction codes are affected by Posting Rules.

ClosedTransaction Codes


Bank transaction. Entry is on the Detail Tab Adjustment.


Billing transaction. Set up is on the Posting Rules Tab.


Budget transaction. Set up is on the Budgets Tab.


Receipts transaction. Set up is on the Posting Rules Tab.


Intercompany transaction. Set up is on the GL Intercompany Tab. Processing is on the Detail Tab GL Journals.


Invoice transaction. Set up is on the Posting Rules Tab. Inquiry is available using AP Inquiry.


This transaction code appears only on the Bank Reconciliation Detail form. It indicates an invoice transaction posted to a Cash account by the Bank Reconciliation process.


Journal entry transaction. Entry is in Journal Entries.


Purchase order transaction. Processing is on the Purchase Orders Tab.


Payment transaction—cash or check. Set up is on the Posting Rules Tab. Inquiry is on the Payment Inquiry Tab.

See Also

Posting Rules Overview

General Ledger Overview

Accounts Payable Overview

Accounts Receivable Overview

Accounts Receivable Introduction