Setup EntityCompany Policy Groups Grid

Make the following menu selections to display the EntityCompany Policy Groups grid:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups

Use this grid to set up and manage groups of policies for the selected EntityCompany.

Fields List

ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.

Add EntityCompany Policy Group

Click the button to add a new Group.  Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add a Group.



The grouping of policies for Track Job/Track Unit that appears on lists and in reports for the EntityCompany that you assign it to. Click the link to edit the Group. Click this column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


The description of the Group that appears on lists and in reports. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


Click the Settings link for a Group to open the Settings grid. Click the column title to sort the list or click the Filter button to filter the grid by this column.


Use the Delete button to delete a Group.

ClosedAdd/Edit Grid Fields

A red dot Required field indicates a required field or selection.

Group Required field

The name of the policy group..

Description Required field

A description of the policy group.

Settings Grid Fields


ClosedTo Add a Group

  1. Access the EntityCompany Policy Group grid by selecting Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups.
  2. In the Group field, enter a code for the Group you are adding, using up to 10 alpha/numeric characters.
  3. In the Description field,  enter a description of the Group.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedTo Edit a Group

  1. Access the EntityCompany Policy Group grid by selecting Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups.
  2. If necessary, use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Group you want to edit.
  3. Click in the field you want to edit and then make changes. Refer to the Grid Fields list for help.
  4. Click Save.

ClosedTo Add or Edit Group Settings

  1. Select Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups and then click Add EntityCompany Policy Group.
  2. If necessary, use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Group you want to work with.
  3. Click the Settings link for the Group. The Settings grid opens.
  4. Add or edit settings. Refer to Setup grid for instructions.
  5. Click Save.

ClosedTo Delete a Group

  1. Access the EntityCompany Policy Group grid by selecting Setup—Global Setup—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups.
  2. If necessary, use Filter buttons in the grid header to locate the Group you want to edit.
  3. Click the Delete button in the Delete column. A confirmation message displays.
  4. Click OK. The Group is deleted from the grid.

Additional Information

ClosedSetup Details

Permissions must be set in the System module to access the EntityCompany Policy Groups menu item.

Permissions for Policy Groups

System module—Security—Users—eFinancials—Setup—Global—Policies—EntityCompany Policy Groups

See Also

Setup Introduction - eFinancials

Setup Introduction - ePO

Settings Grid

Company/Entity Property Groups Overview



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