General Tab - Customers

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—AR Setup—Customers—(select a customer)—General Tab

Use this tab to add or edit general information about a customer.


A red dot indicates a required field or selection.

Customer ID

An identification label for the Customer (for example, BNC for Big National Company). This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Customer Name

A description for the Customer (for example, Big National Company). This name appears on lists and in reports.

Expense Code

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Expense Code Tab and select an expense code for the customer.

Customer Type

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Customer Type pop-up and select an expense code for the customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Cycle pop-up and select a code for the cycle for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Location pop-up and select a code for the location for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Priority pop-up and select a code for the priority for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Salesperson pop-up and select a code for the salesperson for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.

Service Type

Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Service Type pop-up and select a code for the service type for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using AR Codes setup.


Click the Lookup icon to display the Select Terms pop-up and select a code to specify a term for the Customer. These codes are added to the system using Terms setup.

Interest Percentage

The interest percentage for the Customer.  Enter a percentage in the format 0.0000.

Markup Percentage

The percentage markup on an invoice.

NOTE that this field appears only when the global policy Use Markups is selected on the AR Tab.

Credit Limit

The credit limit for the Customer. Enter an amount in the format 0.00.

Late Charges

The late charges schedule that applies to the Customer.

Options are: None, Normal, Compounded Daily.

Print Monthly Statement check box

Check the box to print a monthly statement for the client.

Print Dunning Message check box

Check the box to print a dunning message for the client. .


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Customers Tab

Setup Questions Customer General Tab