Allocation Overview

Allocations are used to distribute dollar amounts to various receiving accounts based on predefined percentages. You can only allocate to propertiescompanies to which you have propertycompany access rights. When creating an allocation, you complete the following tasks:

  1. Establish a calculation for the distribution.
  2. Select the accounts and propertiescompanies that are affected by the allocation process.
  3. Establish the amounts that are to be distributed to each account.

Allocations are limited to a percentage distribution. An allocation detail must total 100% before it is saved.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, allocation related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.

ClosedSetup Details

PropertiesCompanies must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Properties Overview for more information.

Expense codes must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Expense Codes Overview for more information.


Setting up allocations is optional. If you do not want to use the allocation option, do not set up. Allocations can be set up at any time because they do not affect the setup process.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions

See Also

Set Up

Allocations Grid

Select for Processing

General Tab Vendors

Purchase Orders Tab

Invoices Tab


Purchase Orders

Property Allocation

Company Allocation

Allocations Tab Setup

Accounts Payable Overview

Setup Sequence