Setup Vendors - General Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—Vendors or

Use this tab to add or edit general information about a vendor. Policies set on the Global Policies Vendor Tab affect fields on this tab.



An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

Vendor ID *

Enter the vendor identification. This ID appears on lists and in reports.

Name *

Enter the vendor name. This name appears on lists and in reports.

Short Name *

This field defaults to the first ten characters of the vendor's name. Accept this default, or enter another abbreviated vendor name. This name appears in the vendor grid.

Customer ID

Enter a vendor-generated identification. This ID is one by which the vendor knows your business; therefore, the vendor can supply you with this ID.

Expense Code

Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select an expense code from the list. The expense code you select is linked to this vendor as the general ledger account number used for invoicing.

Allocation Table

Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select an allocation table from the list. Refer to Allocation Overview for more information.

Payment Priority

Enter a payment priority for this vendor.

Hold Code

Select a hold code from the drop-down list. Selections appearing on this list are established on the Hold Codes Tab. Refer to Hold Codes Overview for more information.


Select a category from the drop-down list. The following categories are possible: Permanent, Temporary, One Time.

Approved By

Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select an approver from the list. Refer to Edit AP Codes for more information.

Invoice Type

Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select an invoice type from the list. Refer to Edit AP Codes for more information.


Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select a location from the list. Refer to Edit AP Codes for more information.


Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select a priority from the list. Refer to Edit AP Codes for more information.

Vendor Type

Click the Lookup icon to display a list and select a vendor type from the list. Refer to Edit AP Codes for more information.

2nd Column


This option defaults as unchecked. If the vendor is not approved for use, accept this default.

If the vendor is approved for use, select the check box.

Policies set on the Global Policies Vendor Tab affect this field.


This option defaults as unchecked. If you intend to continue doing business with this vendor, accept the default.

If you no longer intend to do business with this vendor, select the check box. Refer to the Last Activity field later in this topic for more information.

PO Required

This option defaults as unchecked. If this vendor does not require a purchase order, accept the default.

If the vendor requires a purchase order, select the check box.

Address on Invoice Required

An unchecked box (default) indicates that this vendor does not require the ability to put a separate payee and address on each invoice during Invoice Entry.

A checked box indicates you are setting up this vendor to have the ability to assign a different payee and address per invoice, on the fly, during Invoice Entry.

Refer to Invoices Tab, Paying Invoices with Different Payees/Addresses Using One Vendor for a list of other options that must be selected to use this feature.

Separate Check/Invoice

An unchecked box (default) indicates that this vendor does not require a separate check for each invoice.

A checked box indicates that the vendor requires a separate check for each invoice.

Refer to Separate Check Overview for more information.

Refer to Invoices Tab, Paying Invoices with Different Payees/Addresses Using One Vendor for a list of other options that must be selected to use this feature.

Create Lien Waiver (check box)

Checked – During processing of checks, selecting this option indicates to the system that this Vendor requires a Lien Waiver.

Unchecked – Lien Waivers functionality is not enabled for this Vendor.

Outstanding Lien Waiver

When Lien Waiver formats are set up, the column Lien waivers due appears in the Results after you run a Search for checks to pay (eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Check Processing—Check Runs—Search Tab).

Selecting one of the following options determines what appears in the Lien waivers due column after a Search is run.

NOTE that the column does not appear in the grid after a search unless the search returns at least one Vendor with a Lien Waiver warning, i.e., an icon .

Options are:

Never warn (default)

No warning is given during check processing for Vendors with outstanding Lien Waivers. An icon does not appear in the Lien waivers due column for this Vendor.

Warn per job

During check processing, a warning is given for this Vendor when an Invoice has a Job for which the Vendor already has an outstanding Lien Waiver. This results in an icon appearing in the Lien waivers due column.

Always warn

During check processing a warning is given for this Vendor for any outstanding Lien Waivers, so an icon appears in the Lien waivers due column when there is an Outstanding (not Returned or Wasted) Lien Waiver for any Job.


A warning icon does appear in the column Lien waivers due in these situations:

A warning icon does not appear in the column Lien waivers due in these situations:

3rd column

Discount %

This option defaults as 0%. If applicable, enter the discount percentage (as a whole number) that meets the terms under which the vendor does business. Refer to Discounted Payments for more information on setting up discounts.

Discount Days

This option defaults as 0 days. If applicable, enter the number of days the discount rate applies. Refer to Discounted Payments for more information on setting up discounts.

Net Days

This option defaults as 0 days. If applicable, enter the number of days to add to the invoice date to determine the default due date for this vendor.

Retainage %

This option defaults as 0.00%. If applicable, enter the retainage percentage. Refer to Retainage Overview for more informaton.

Credit Limit

This option defaults as 0.00. If applicable, enter the credit limit for the vendor as a dollar amount.

ClosedTo Place All Invoices for a Vendor on Hold

From the Hold drop-down list, select a hold code to place all invoices for that vendor on hold.

To release the hold for all invoices, remove the hold code on the same tab.


You can manage the hold status on individual invoices from the Change Hold Status tab.

See Also

Vendors Tab

Change Hold Status

Setup Questions Vendor General Tab

Hold Codes Overview