Expense Codes Overview

Expense codes are used to track expenses associated with the cost of doing business—costs resulting from revenue-generating activities.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, expense-code-related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.

ClosedSetup Details

Setting up expense codes is required. The expense codes that you enter into this system can be either mnemonics or the actual GL account number; the codes are associated with a general ledger account number. You are able to create expense codes for accounts payable and accounts receivable. You can associate multiple entitiescompanies for one expense code; however, you cannot set up multiple general ledger accounts for one entitycompany.

Setup Prerequisites

Properties must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Properties Overview  for more information.

EntitiesCompanies must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Entities OverviewCompanies Overview for more information.

General ledger accounts must already be set up and available for selection. Refer to Accounts Overview for more information.


Be sure to investigate using the Create Expense Code for GL button—a shortcut—to create expense accounts based on the chart of accounts, which is associated with an entitycompany. The process creates expense codes for income and expense accounts. Expense codes for other account types, such as asset, liability, or capital accounts, must be manually added.

Setup Questions

Setup Questions

See Also

Expense Codes Setup

Select Expense Code Tab

Expense Code List Report

General Ledger Overview

Accounts Payable Overview

Accounts Receivable Introduction

Setup Sequence

eFinancials Concepts Introduction