Effect of Policies and Permissions on Incomplete Journal Entries

eFinancials allows you to save incomplete as well as complete journal entries, allowing for an out of balance journal entry, so that entry can be continued at a later time. To save incomplete journal entries, global policies and user or role permissions must be selected.

Global Policies

On the Other Tab, select Allow Incomplete Journal Entries and then select how to handle the incomplete journal entries:

On the Batch Tab, you can select Auto-approve GL batches created by the Web Service (Applies to Complete JEs only). Incomplete journal entries cannot be included in auto-approved batches.

User/Role Permissions

In addition to the global policy to allow incomplete journal entries, users or roles must be given permissions to work with incomplete journal entries. At System—Security—Users or Roles, the following user/role permissions are possible:


If the global policy Allow Incomplete Journal Entries is selected and the Allow Incomplete Journal Entries and Allow Include Invalid EntitiyCompany Journal Entries permissions are selected, and the user/role has permissions, then:


See Also

Select Batch Tab

Batch Restrictions

Journal Entries

Incomplete Journal Entry List

Batches Overview

Intercompany Transactions Overview

General Ledger Introduction