Global Policies Setup - Invoice Tab

Make the following selections to display this tab:

eFinancials (or ePO)—Setup—Global Setup—Policies—Global Policies—Invoice tab

Use this tab to set up and manage invoice-related global policies.


Allow blank invoice numbers

This check box is unchecked by default. Accept this default if you want to require the entry of invoice numbers during transaction entry. This makes the Invoice Number  field required. Or, if you do not want to require that invoice numbers be entered during transaction entry, select this check box to make the Invoice Number field optional.

Auto-number blank invoices

This check box is selected by default. Accept this default if you want to the system to assign a number automatically to blank invoices during transaction entry. Or, if you do not want the system to assign a number automatically to blank invoices during transaction entry, clear the check box.

Auto-authorize invoice for payment during invoice entry

This check box is unchecked by default. Accept this default if you do not want the system to authorize invoices automatically during invoice entry. With this check box unchecked, you must authorize invoices using the Invoice Authorization Tab. Or, if you want the system to authorize invoices automatically during invoice entry, select the check box.

Quick check is an exception to this policy. Regardless of your selection for this policy, the system authorizes invoices automatically when you produce a quick check.

Require unique invoice number to the same vendor

This check box is selected by default. Accept this default if you want the system to require the entry of a unique invoice number or description for each invoice transaction for the same vendor. Or, if you do not want the system to require the entry of a unique invoice number or description for each invoice transaction for the same vendor, clear the check box.

Require a PO for all invoices

This check box is selected by default. Accept this default if you want the system to require the entry of a purchase order number when adding an invoice. Or, if you do not want the system to require the entry of a purchase order number when adding an invoice, clear the check box.

Use AP Retainage

This check box is unchecked by default.

Check the box if you want to use the retainage functionality in eFinancials to enter and pay retainage within the accounts payable function. This enables fields on the Invoices Detail tab.


This functionality cannot be turned off if there is outstanding retainage to be paid.

Require Invoice line description

This check box is selected by default. Accept this default if you want to the system to require an invoice line description during invoice entry. Or, if you do not want the system to require an invoice line description during invoice entry, clear the check box.

Allow invoices despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents

This is a check box.

Unchecked, users cannot add a pay an invoice (or an invoice for a subcontract) that has issues with the effective date or expiration date for required documents on the invoice. Required documents need to be set up with Has Effective Date or Has Expiration Date options selected for the dates to be checked against the login date

Checked, users receive warning messages - in two situations:

For invoices, if entering an invoice that has a Required Document with effective date or expiration date issues.

For subcontracts, if entering an invoice for a subcontract and it has required documents with effective or expiration date issues and the dates are setup as required.

Refer to Required Document Types for more information.

Default value for invoice line description (also refer to Require Invoice line description, above)

From the drop-down list, select one of the following description options:

Take Discount

From the drop-down list, select one of the following discount options:

AP Transactions Import (Budget Source)

From the drop-down list, select an option to specify whether eFinancials, ePO, or both modules, can see invoices imported through the AP Transaction Import process.


How a budget is impacted by imported invoices also depends on Budget global policies settings, for example whether separate budgets are set up for eFinancials and ePO, and whether the eFinancials budget is set to affect the ePO budget.

The options for Budget Source are:

Calculate and Accrue Tax on Invoices

This policy defaults to unchecked.

Check the box if you want to calculate and accrue tax on Invoices. If so, the Accrue Tax check box appears on the Invoices tab. Refer to Accrue Tax check box for more information.

Clear the box if you do not want the system to calculate and accrue taxes on Invoices.

Use Qty and UOM in Invoice Entry

This policy defaults to unchecked.

Check the box if you want the fields Qty (Quantity) and UOM (Unit of Measure) fields used on invoices lines on the Invoice Tab and Checks Detail Tab.

When this box is checked, new fields become available. They are used to tell the system how to handle purchase order receiving.

Clear the box if you do not want the system to require use of the fields Qty and UOM.

Update PO Receipts from Invoice Entry

Select this box if you want to update purchase order receipts from Invoice Entry. This field is disabled unless Use Qty and UOM in Invoice Entry is selected.

If you select this option, these options become unavailable: AP Invoice Entry of unreceived items  and Default Invoice Entry Qty to PO received.

NOTE that this policy is only available when the policy Use Inventory is not selected on the Global Policy Other Tab.

AP Invoice Entry of unreceived items

Select an option to tell the system how you want to handle unreceived items. Do you want these items marked as received in purchase orders if an invoice is being entered for them in Invoice Entry? Options include:

Allow (default) - There is not a warning or error message for any quantity the user enters. The quantity received and ready to be invoiced also takes into account any prior invoices against the Purchase Orders for the lines and determining if the quantity (Qty) entered is valid.  

If Default invoice entry Qty to PO received is selected (see next policy), then the quantity (Qty) that defaults in for the line is the quantity received, which is any prior quantity received for the lines on other invoices.

Allow with a warning - When the quantity (Qty) on the line in Purchase Order entry is changed and exceeds the quantity received for the line,  then the system shows a warning message and user can continue with that quantity or change the quantity to a valid value.

Note that when the Default Invoice Entry Qty to PO received policy (see next policy) is not selected, then the user will see a warning message when attempting to save with quantities exceeding what is received for the line.

Do not allow -  When the quantity (Qty) on the line in Purchase Order entry is changed and exceeds the quantity received for the line, then the system shows an error message. Also, when saving the invoice is attempted with quantities exceeding what is received for the line, then the system shows an error message.  

Default Invoice Entry Qty to PO received

Select this box if you want the quantity for Invoice Entry to be defaulted into receiving for the purchase order.

Next voucher *

When the next voucher is created, the system looks at this field and assigns the next sequential number and continues to increment each time it creates a voucher. If you want to alter the format, do so in this field. When the next voucher is created, the system looks at this field, duplicates the format, and assigns the next sequential number. Use caution. Be sure to end your format with a number that the system can increment.

Aging Period 1 Days *

This field defaults to 30 days. Accept this default or enter the number of day for the first aging period for invoices. Aging periods appear on reports.

Aging Period 2 Days *

This field defaults to 60 days. Accept this default or enter the number of day for the second aging period for invoices. Aging periods appear on reports.

Aging Period 3 Days *

This field defaults to 90 days. Accept this default or enter the number of day for the third aging period for invoices. Aging periods appear on reports.

Aging Period 4 Days *

This field defaults to 120 days. Accept this default or enter the number of day for the fourth aging period for invoices. For example, enter 999 if you do not use a fourth period. Aging periods appear on reports.


Click to exit without saving your changes.


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Effect of Invoice Policies

Invoice Overview

Global Policies Introduction

Setup Questions Invoice