Effect of Global Policies on Budgets

With global policies you can use default values or select other options. Budget global policy settings affect remaining and current period budget totals. In addition, a budget global policy setting determines whether one budget will be used for both eFinancials and ePO or whether separate budgets will be used. Your decisions on these policies should be based on your company policy.

Remaining and Current Period Budget Totals

The default setting is to allow pending purchase orders to reduce the remaining budget and allow open purchase orders to reduce the budget for the current period.

eFinancials and/or ePO Budgets

The default setting is to use a single budget for eFinancials and ePO. If the Separate eFinancials/ePO Budgets policy is selected, you must also specify whether budget calculations will include Web purchase orders and invoices for eFinancials, ePO, or both.

The separate budgets option is a way to limit the budget information that can be viewed from ePO.

When using separate budgets for eFinancials and ePO, some fields, grids, tabs, snap-ins, and budget graphs will show these differences.

Location Item Description

Setup Budget Versions grid

Source column

Separate budgets: This column appears on the grid so the user can see the source application for the budget.

Single budget: This column does not display, as the budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN).

Account Inquiry grid*

Account Balances Inquiry tab*

Account Export to Excel tab

Budget Import to Excel tab

Budget Versions tab

Setup Budgets grid

*eFinancials only

Budget Source field (drop-down)

Separate budgets: This field is used to select either eFinancials or ePO as the budget source.

Single budget: The field does not display, as the budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN).

GL Reports:

  • GL Actual Budget Analysis*
  • Budget Analysis
  • P & L*
  • P & L 3 Month*
  • Comparative P&L*
  • P & L Variance*

GL Departmental Reports:

  • Budget Analysis
  • P & L*
  • P & L 3 Month*
  • Comparative PL*
  • P & L Variance*

AP Reports:

  • Budget Control Ledger
  • Budget Variance
  • Check Register
  • PO Variance

*eFinancials only

Budget Source field (drop-down)

Separate budgets: This field is used to select a budget source for these reports. When in ePO, the default selection for Budget Source field is ePO, and this cannot be changed.

Single budget: The field does not display, as the budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN).

Entity Setup tab

Default Budget Versions tab


Default Budget Versions—ePO tab


Separate budgets: From eFinancials, two tabs will appear:

  1. Default Budget Versions tab (uses the eFinancials (EFN) budget)
  2. Default Budget Versions—ePO tab (uses the ePO budget)

From ePO, only the Default Budget Versions tab appears (uses the ePO budget).

Single budget: For both eFinancials and ePO, one tab will appear—the Default Budget Versions tab. This is because the budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN).

Budget Versions tab

Default Budget tab—eFinancials


Default Budget tab—ePO

Separate budgets: From eFinancials, two fields will appear on the Default Budget tab:

  1. eFinancials Budget Version (uses the eFinancials (EFN) budget)
  2. ePO Budget Version—ePO (uses the ePO budget)

From ePO, only the ePO Budget Version field appears (uses the ePO budget).

Single budget: For both eFinancials and ePO, one field appears:  Budget Version. This is because the budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN).


  • PO Processing - eFinancials
  • PO Processing - ePO

Headings and when used:

This is referring to two similar snap-ins, both having to do with approval of purchase orders—one for eFinancials purchase orders and the other for ePO purchase orders.


Separate budgets: For users with access to both eFinancials and ePO, if either snap-in is turned on, the user will see both snap-ins when in eFinancials or ePO.

For users with access to ePO only, the user can see the snap-in for ePO only.

Single budget:  For users with access to both eFinancials and ePO, the PO Processing - eFinancials snap-in item will appear for both eFinancials and ePO.

For users with access to ePO only, the PO Processing - ePO snap-in will appear for ePO only.

 (The budget source for both eFinancials and ePO is eFinancials (EFN) so the information displayed is the same.)


  • Check Budget


The heading on this snap-in reads either “eFinancials” or “ePO” so you can identify the corresponding budget source.


  • PO Processing
  • Check Budget

AP Transactions:

  • PO Entry
  • Invoice Entry

Budget graphs

Separate budgets:

When you click the budget graph icon, from eFinancials the amounts are broken out for eFinancials and ePO.

From ePO you can only see amounts from the ePO budget.

Single budget: If using a single budget, from both eFinancials and ePO the graph uses the eFinancials (EFN) budget.


Setup Questions

Setup Questions Budget

See Also

Budget Tab Policies

Budgets Overview

Global Policies