AP Deposit Refund Import Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Data Transfer—Deposit Refund Import

Use this tab to import deposit refunds made up of deposit refunds from another system that create accounts payable transactions (batches and invoices) within eFinancials. The file format required is Refund.APS.  


When importing data for a PropertyCompany with posting rules to two EntitiesCompanies, the calendars for the Entities must match. If the EntitiesCompanies have two different calendars, an error will occur.


Process Selected Records Button

Select this button to start processing refund records. Prior to selecting this button, you must select refund records.


Select this button to select all of the refund records in the grid.


Select this button to select none of the refund records in the grid.

Show Only Invalid

Select this option when you want to display only the transactions that include an invalid PropertyCompany code, expense code, or invoice identification.

Page Buttons

Use these buttons to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.


A red or green button displays in this column. Red indicates that the transaction includes an invalid PropertyCompany code, expense code, or vendor identification. Green indicates that the transaction is ready to process.


The check box defaults as checked. Accept this default if you want the refund record to be processed.

Click this option to remove the check mark if you do not want this refund record to be processed.


The building associated with the individual record for a deposit refund.


The unit in the building associated with individual record for a deposit refund.


Select this link to display the AP Deposit Refund Import Records Edit Tab. Use this tab to edit the individual record for a deposit refund.

A red button in the Valid column indicates that a deposit refund record is missing information. Missing information must be added to the record prior to processing. The missing information may be: an invalid PropertyCompany code, expense code, or vendor identification.

Vendor ID

The identification of the vendor associated with the individual record for a deposit refund.


The amount of the refund.

Create new batch

Select this option if you want the deposit records add in a new batch.

Selections made on the Batch Tab of global policies affect the batch-related fields that display. Depending on the selections all or none of the batch-related fields can display. If none of the fields display, the transactions are added to the currently selected batch.

Auto approve batch

Select this option if you want to automatically approve the batch and complete the remainder of the fields in the footer.

Approved Date

Enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.

Approved By

Enter the name of the approver.

Approval Code

Enter the approval code.

Informational Messages

The green and red buttons and check box provide informational messages on the meaning they are intended to convey.

ClosedTo Import Deposit Refund Data

An APS (accounts payable system) file must be stored on your system prior to import. For a successful import, the file you created in another piece of software should match the format used in this software. If you add batches manually, confirm that you have a batch set up and available for selection.

  1. Locate the Current Settings link in the upper right of the page.
  2. Use the Current Settings link to display the Quick Popup and select a date, batch, and CompanyProperty, and Entity for the import. Selections you make in the Quick Popup are used as default entries for importing.
  3. Complete Step 1 to select either a new file or an existing file.
  4. Complete Step 2 to select the refund records you want to import, and decide whether to create a new batch.

Completing Step 1

To select a new file:

  1. Select the Browse button. Your operating system navigation window displays.
  2. Navigate to and select the following file type: REFUND.APS.
  3. Select the Load Import File button. The system uploads the file to the server and updates the tab for step 2. A grid displays with all of the refund records included in the file. Refer to Grid Fields for more information on fields appearing in the grid.

To select an existing file:

  1. At Continue Processing, select a file from the drop-down list. Files on the drop-down list have already been loaded and converted into an XML format, but have not been completely processed. As a matter of housekeeping, once all of the records in the XML file have been processed, the file should be deleted from the server so that it no longer displays on this drop-down list.
  2. Select the Load Import File button. The system uploads the file to the server and updates the tab for step 2. A grid displays with all of the refund records included in the file. Refer to Grid Fields for more information on fields appearing in the grid.

Completing Step 2

  1. Select the refund records you want to process.
  2. Examine the refund records listed in the grid. Pay particular attention to the records that have a red button in the Valid column. A red button indicates that a deposit refund record is missing information. Missing information must be added to the record prior to processing. The missing information may be: an invalid PropertyCompany code, expense code, or vendor identification.
  3. Select the link in the Name column for a record with a red button. An edit tab displays.
  4. Complete the tab using the following field list: AP Deposit Refund Import Records Edit Tab.
  5. Add a check mark in the Process column beside the refund records you want to process.
  6. Determine whether a new batch needs to be created. Note that selections made on the Batch Tab of global policies affect the batch-related fields that display. Depending on the selections all or none of the fields detailed in the following steps can display. If none of the fields are displaying, the transactions are added to the currently selected batch. Continue reading at step 11.
  7. At Create new batch, select this option if you want to create a new batch for the import transactions. Additional fields display. If you do not select this option or if this option is unavailable for selection, the transactions are added to the currently selected batch.
  8. At Auto approve batch, select this option if you want to automatically approve the batch and complete the remainder of the fields on the tab. Otherwise, continue reading at step 11. Refer to Batch Approval Process for more information on the approval process.
  9. At Approved Date, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.
  10. At Approved By, enter the approver's name.
  11. At Approval Code, enter the code.
  12. Click Process Selected Records.
  13. Click OK.

ClosedTo Delete an Existing File

Deposit Refund files are automatically deleted from the system once all records have been processed. If a file is not being deleted, check the permissions in the System—Security User/Group menu under Deposit Refund Import and ensure that the Delete File permission is checked.

When a file is selected from the Continue Processing drop-down menu, the user is given the Delete File option (the previously mentioned permissions must be set).

  1. Choose the file to delete from the Continue Processing drop-down list.
  2. Click Delete File.
  3. Click OK in the Popup box to accept deletion.

See Also

Data Transfer File Formats Introduction

Deposit Refund Imports File Format Refund.APS