Current Settings Link

Current Settings links appear in the upper right of some transaction pages. Use the link to make current selections for the transactions.


On newer pages you change the date in the Title Bar and use Footer Links to make selections for EntityCompany | Property |Batch, as these pages do not have a Current Settings link.

Click the Current Settings link to display a Quick Popup. The Quick Popup also displays when you double-click links in the current selections line at the bottom of the page.



ClosedTo Make Current Selections

  1. Locate and select the Current Settings link in the upper right of the page. A Quick Popup displays.
  2. Type the Login Date (mm/dd/yyyy). Or, select a date using the Calendar Button.


Use caution when changing this date. The change you make is global, meaning the system updates the login date in the title bar and for every application in the framework based on any date change you make in this field. For more information on the login date, look up the topic Using eFinancials in the introduction.

  1. From the Current Batch drop-down list, select a batch. The list includes only unapproved batches that are either unrestricted or restricted to you.
  2. From the Current PropertyCompanydrop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The list includes only PropertiesCompanies to which you have access.
  3. From the Current Entitydrop-down list, select an Entity. The list includes only Entities to which you have access.
  4. Click Save. The Quick Popup closes. The grid on the Journals tab is updated with the journals that have already been entered for this batch.

See Also

Select Introduction