AP: AP Vendor Activity

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports—AP Vendor Activity

Use this tab to print an accounts payable vendor activity report for a vendor or range of vendors.


You can also print this report from the Vendor Setup grid by clicking on an icon in the Activity column.


Select PropertiesCompanies

Click to select PropertiesCompanies from the Select PropertiesCompanies tab. The report runs for all selected PropertiesCompanies.

From Date / Thru Date

Enter a date range for the activity to be included in the report. Or, use the Calendar button to select dates.

Print by Job

Check the box to print the report by Job.

NOTE that the Track Jobs setting has to be turned on for this option to appear.

NOTE that other options appear when this box is checked: From / Thru Job, From / Thru Phase, and From / Thru Cost as well as Include Totals for Phase and Cost.

From Vendor / Thru Vendor

To run the report for a specific vendor or vendor ID range, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Vendor pop-up  and then select a starting vendor ID. Repeat the process to select an ending vendor ID.

This field appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.

Entries appearing on this list are established on the Vendors Tab in AP Setup.

From Job / Thru Job

To run the report for a specific Job range, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Job pop-up and then select a starting Job ID. Repeat the process to select an ending Job ID.

This field appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.

Entries appearing on this list are established in Jobs Setup.

From Phase / Thru Phase

To run the report for a specific phase range, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Phase pop-up and then select a starting Phase No. Repeat the process to select an ending Phase No.

This field appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.

Entries appearing on this list are established as part of Cost Activity Setup.

From Cost / Thru Cost

To run the report for a specific Cost range, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Cost pop-up and then select a starting Cost No. Repeat the process to select an ending Cost No.

This field appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.

Entries appearing on this list are established in Cost Activity Setup.

Sort Order

Select a sort order for the report: Vendor (default) or Job.

This field appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.


Select the check box to print a report that is totaled by Job only.

Include Totals

Select an option to include Cost or Phase totals.

This option appears only when the Print by Job option is selected.

This option does not appear when Summarized is checked.

Print by PropertyCompany

The default sort for this report is by vendor.

If Print by PropertyCompany  is not selected (default), a PropertyCompany ID column is included, with the PropertyCompany listed for each line, and a list of selected PropertiesCompanies prints at the end of the report.

If Print by PropertyCompany is selected, the report prints grouped by PropertyCompany and the PropertyCompany name prints in the header, the vendor transactions for that PropertyCompany display in the list, and the report displays the totals for each PropertyCompany.

Transaction Codes

Select the transaction codes you want included in the report: PO's, Invoices, or Payments.

This option does not appear when Print by Job is checked.

Report Format

PDF Format (default): Select this option to print the report in PDF format.

Create Spreadsheet: Select this option to print the report in an Excel spreadsheet.  


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Description

Standard Report  (not printed by Job)

This report provides information on transactions by vendor.

Report Printed by Job

When the Print by Job is selected, the report provides the following additional selection criteria and information.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—AP Reports—AP Vendor Activity.


You can also print this report from the Vendor Setup grid by clicking on an icon in the Activity column.

  1. Click Select PropertiesCompanies. Select the PropertiesCompanies for which you want to print the report and then click Save.
  2. From the From and Thru Date fields, enter a date range for the activity to be included in the report.
  3. Select Print by Job, if it appears as an option, if you want to print the report by Job. Additional fields appear so that you can select a Job, Phase, and Cost range for the report.
  4. From the From and Thru Vendor # fields, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Vendor pop-up and select a Vendor ID range for the report.
  5. If printing by Job, from the From and Thru Job fields, select click the Lookup icon to display the Select Job pop-up and select a Job range for the report.
  6. If printing by Job, from the From and Thru Phase fields, select click the Lookup icon to display the Select Phase pop-up and select a Phase range for the report.
  7. If printing by Job, from the From and Thru Cost fields, select click the Lookup icon to display the Select Cost pop-up and select a Cost range for the report.
  8. If printing by Job, select to sort the report by Vendor or Job.
  9. If printing by Job, select Summarized to print a report summarized by Job.
  10. If printing by Job, select to include Phase or Cost totals, if desired.
  11. To group all vendor transactions by PropertiesCompanies on the report, select the Print by PropertyCompany check box. Otherwise, leave the check box cleared to list the transactions by vendor.
  12. Select the check boxes for any transaction codes you want included in the report: PO's, Invoices, or Payments. NOTE that this option does not appear if Print by Jobs is selected.
  13. Select one of the following report printing options:
  14. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction