Account Export Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Data Transfer—Account Export or
—Data Transfer—Export Accounts

Use this tab to export account data to a file that can be used to import the data into an external system; for example, ePO. The export creates an Accounts.BCL, eFinancials Fixed Length, Budgets.BCL, or Actuals.BCL file, with a record for each account for all of the selected entities. For a successful export, the file you created in this software should match the format used in the other software.


Account export will occur for all propertiescompanies selected for the current user.


Select one of the following exports: Accounts, Budgets, or Balances. The export creates a ACCOUNTS.BCL or eFinancials Fixed Length file when the accounts option is selected, a BUDGETS.BCL file when the budgets option is selected, or ACTUALS.BCL file when the balances option is selected. The file includes a record for each account for all of the selected propertiescompanies.

From Account / Thru (Account)

Click the Lookup iconto display a list and select beginning and ending account numbers.

Accounts Added From / Thru (Date)

Enter a beginning and ending date for accounts that have been added. These are accounts that you want to include in the export. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date.

Accounts Changed From / Thru (Date)

Enter a beginning and ending date for accounts that have been changed. These are accounts that you want to include in the export. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date.

Account Types

All account types default as selected. Accept the default if you want to include all account types. To exclude an account type, click the box to remove the check mark.

Record Types

All record types default as selected. Accept the default if you want to include all record types. To exclude a record type, click the box to remove the check mark.

Fiscal Year

Select a fiscal year from the drop-down list.


Select an file format from the drop-down list if you selected to export Accounts. Options are: Accounts.BCL and eFinancials Fixed Length.

Budget Source

If you set up separate budgets for eFinancials and ePO during global policies setup, select a budget source. This allows you to select the default eFinancials or ePO budget amounts to export. If not using separate budgets, eFinancials budget amounts will be used and this drop-down does not appear.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to start the export.

ClosedTo Export Account Data


Confirm that you have made current selections using the Select menu option.

  1. Complete the remainder of the fields on the tab using the Fields list.
  2. Click Export. The export creates a file, and a common dialog pop-up displays.
  3. Click Save. A navigation pane displays.
  4. Save the file to a location. A download message displays.
  5. Click Close.

See Also

Data Transfer File Formats Introduction

Accounts Overview

Account Export Tab

Account Export File Format: Accounts.BCL

Account Export File Format: eFinancials Fixed Length

Budgets File Format: Budgets.BCL

Account Export Balances File Format: Actuals.BCL