Make the following menu selections to display the bank books grid:
Setup—Global—Bank Books
Use the grid and the Bank Book tabs to manage bank books. You set up bank accounts, establish a general ledger account for each set of books that you will be transferring to, define methods of transfer, and link each general ledger account to a profit center if you use departmentalized accounting.
Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
Field Lists
Add Bank Book
Click this button to add a new bank book. Refer to Procedures later in this topic for instructions.
Bank Book
The name of the bank book.
The description of the bank book.
Use the Delete button to delete a bank book. Refer to the delete instructions
later in this topic.
When the global policy setting, G/L entity interface for bank books and rentable items on the AME, Interface tab is set to Single Entity, the delete icon is not shown.
When the global policy setting, G/L entity interface for bank books and rentable items on the AME, Interface tab is set to Multiple Entity, when a new row is added then the drop-downs default to the same values as on the previous line.
A red dot indicates a required field or
Bank Book
Type a code for the bank book. Use something easily identifiable. If you have separate accounts for each property, use the property ID as the bank book ID. If you separate Rent and Security accounts, you can append an R or S to the property ID as a further identifier. For example, use 01001R as the bank book ID for your Rent account and 01001S as the bank book ID for your Security account.
Special characters allowed in a Bank Book ID include forward slash ( / ), backslash ( \ ), colon ( : ), and double periods (..).
Bank Account Number
Type the bank account number for this bank book.
Type a description for this bank book.
Client Merchant ID
Type a client Merchant ID, obtained from the merchant. This is used by eDex to assign external transactions to a bank book.
Restrict To Properties
This field defaults to blank. Click in the field and a list of properties appears. Select one or more properties for the current bank book to restrict the current bank book to a set of properties instead of to a single property. Once selected, these properties are then available when adding a journal and can be used to limit journal entries to one or more properties associated with the selected bank book. The properties you select here are options shown on screens that are used to add either a cash or adjustment journal.
Bank Book Used For
Options include: Rent, Security Deposit, Other Deposit, Misc. Income
Check one or more boxes to indicate the use for the bank book. For example,
check Rent for rent and other resident income,
and Misc. Income for non-resident income. If
you have one bank account that allocates to different general ledger accounts,
use these options to distinguish between the general ledger accounts.
ACH Settings
No ACH - This option is the default. Accept the default if this bank book accepts only normal transactions generated from Ledger Pay & Adjust. You must select either No ACH or ACH only.
ACH Only - Select this option for a bank book that accepts only ePay, MICR, or WebPay transactions. You must select either No ACH or ACH only.
Enter the name of the bank that holds the account.
Line 1 - 3
Enter the street address where the bank is located using up to three lines.
Enter the zip code, city, and state for the bank.
Enter the country in which the bank is located.
Preferred Method of Contact
Select the preferred method for contacting the bank from the drop-down list. Options include By Phone1, By Phone2, ByPhone3, By Email, By Fax. These options reference the other fields on this tab.
Enter a valid email address for the bank.
Enter a valid fax number for the bank, including area code and country code, if applicable.
Contact 1-3
For each contact at the bank, enter a title (Mr., Mrs., Ms.), name (first, middle initial and last) and phone number including area code and country code, if applicable.
Type free-form notes into the text box, if desired. You can enter up to 255 characters.
Complete this tab to link the bank book to Cash or Suspense general ledger accounts and select a method for transferring data.
Prior to associating general ledger accounts to bank books, you must have set up a general ledger account for each set of books to which you plan to transfer data. For example, if you are keeping a set of books for a Cash account and for a Suspense account, then you need to have two entities set up. Each entity must be associated with a general ledger account. The general ledger account label on the page changes based on the setup you selected. The label can be Cash Account or Suspense Account.
Enter a valid Entity ID for the Entity to affect when processing the transfer to general ledger for this bank book. Refer to the Prerequisite, above, for more information.
Cash Account / Account Number
Enter the general ledger account you want to use for posting the receipts in this bank book. Refer to the Prerequisite, above, for more information.
Xfer to GL (for Cash Account)
Select a method to control how entries to this general ledger account transfer to the general ledger. The following methods are possible:
Summary by Trans Type (default) — Transfers a summary by Income Code and Transaction Type (such as Recurring Charge, One Time Charge, regular Payment, NSF payment, Lost Rent, etc).
Overall Summary — Transfers a summary by Transaction Type, regardless of Income Code. All billing Transaction Types (Recurring Charges, One Time Charges, Adjustments ) are grouped together.
Summary by Day — Transfers a summary by Date of Record, Income Code and Transaction Type.
Summary by Batch — Transfers a summary by Bank Book and Batch Number.
Batch w/o code — Transfers a summary by Bank Book, Batch number, Transaction Type.
Batch w/code — Transfers a summary by Bank Book, Batch number, Transaction Type and Income Code.
Detail — Transfers all transaction details. No summary occurs; each transaction creates separate entries.
PC Flag
This field is available only when the field Use Profit Centers for bank books and rentable items on the Global Policies AME, Interface Tab is checked. Departmental accounting requires the use of profit centers.
Select a setting for the profit center flag to indicate whether or not to use a profit center for the selected Cash Account and how the profit center should be implemented when transferring to the general ledger. The following settings are possible:
This option is the default. Accept this default to enable the Profit
Center field (to the right) and allow the entry of a general ledger
account number for the appropriate department.
Select this option when you do not want the system to use a profit center
number with transactions for this bank book. The next field Profit
Center is disabled.
Select this option when you want the system to use a profit center number
that is determined by the unit/apartment associated with the transaction.
For this value to be fully functional, you must set up the profit center
on the Units
Select this option when you want the system to use a profit center number
that is determined by the lease associated with the transaction. For this
value to be fully functional, you must set up the profit center on the
Lease Info Tab.
Profit Center
The Profit Center field only appears on this tab when the global policy on the AME Interface Tab is set to Use Profit Centers for bank books and rentable items.
This field is available for entry only when Yes is selected in the field PC Flag.
Enter the Profit Center that you want the system to use for the selected bank book.
Suspense Account/Account Number
Enter the G/L account number for the suspense account that you want to use for posting the receipts in this bank book for Online Payments batches and transactions.
Xfer to GL (for Suspense Account)
Refer to Xfter to GL, above, for a description of all available options.
Select the Batch w/o code option if the Suspense Account is activated. This controls how entries to this suspense account transfer to the general ledger for Online Payments. It groups the transfer by batch and transaction type only, and creates a single entry for the batch.
PC Flag
This field is available only when the field Use Profit Centers for bank books and rentable items on the Global Policies AME, Interface Tab is checked. Departmental accounting requires the use of profit centers.
Select a setting for the profit center flag to indicate whether or not to use a profit center for the selected Cash Account and how the profit center should be implemented when transferring to the general ledger. The following settings are possible:
This option is the default. Accept this default to enable the Profit
Center field (to the right) and allow the entry of a general ledger
account number for the appropriate department.
Select this option when you do not want the system to use a profit center
number with transactions for this bank book. The next field Profit
Center is disabled.
Select this option when you want the system to use a profit center number
that is determined by the unit/apartment associated with the transaction.
For this value to be fully functional, you must set up the profit center
on the Units
Select this option when you want the system to use a profit center number
that is determined by the lease associated with the transaction. For this
value to be fully functional, you must set up the profit center on the
Lease Info Tab.
Profit Center
The Profit Center field only appears on this tab when the global policy on the AME Interface Tab is set to Use Profit Centers for bank books and rentable items.
This field is available for entry only when Yes is selected in the field PC Flag.
Enter the Profit Center that you want the system to use for the selected bank book.
See Also
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