Sales Tax Tab - Standard Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Entities—Sales Tax Tab or
ePO—Setup—Entities—Sales Tax Tab

Use this tab to add or edit sales tax for a jurisdiction for the entity.



Click the Lookup Button to display the Select Jurisdiction pop-up and then select a jurisdiction to add for the entity.

Tax ID Number

Type a user-defined tax identification number for the jurisdiction into the field.

Sales Tax Account

Click the Lookup Button to display the Sales Tax Account pop-up and then select an account number to use for the sales tax for the jurisdiction.


If the jurisdiction is set up with a Sales Tax Account, that account is affected in the General Ledger from a billing.  Otherwise, the Default Sales Tax account on the  Accounts Tab is affected.   

Use Tax Account

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select User Tax Account pop-up and then select an account number to use for the use tax for the jurisdiction.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.

See Also

Setup Details in the topic Entities Overview

Consolidated Reporting in the topic Entities Overview

Entities Tab

Setup Questions Consolidated Tab