Retainge Overview

Retainage is the portion of an invoice is withheld until some condition is met. For example, a general contractor usually withholds a percentage of the subcontractor's invoices until sometime after the subcontractor finishes the work.

Enabling Retainage

AP Retainage is enabled throughout the system by turning on the global policy, Use AP Retainage, on the Invoice tab. This controls whether Retainage-related fields are available in the system.


This policy cannot be turned off once it is turned on when there is outstanding Retainage to be paid.  

Retainage Process

The system determines which accounts Retainage posts to by first looking to see if a Retainage Payable account was defined on the Batches Overrides tab, and if not then looking to the Retained Earnings account for the Entity (Standard Setup) or Company (Simplified Setup).

Other Retainage fields that appear when the policy Use AP Retainage is selected are:

A percentage is entered by the user into the setup vendor General tab in the Retainage field.

This percentage—and the system calculated Retainage amount—then default into the Select Invoices tab in Invoice Entry in the Retainage % andRetainage Amt fields.

Changes were made to Check Format Maintenance to allow users to add three new fields to check formats so that this information will print on check stubs: Retainage Amt, Retainage Paid, and Non-Retain Paid.

In Check Entry, these fields appear when the policy Use AP Retainage is selected :

In Check Runs, these fields appear when the policy Use AP Retainage is selected:

See Also

Retainage Associated Pages

Accounts Payable Overview

Accounts Receivable Introduction