Effect of Global Policies on Invoices

Global policies provide users with default values. Using global policies you can set up the system to allow blank invoices or number invoices automatically. You must set up the format for voucher numbering and aging periods.

When setting up, the default is to use the Transaction Date as the Default Accounting Date, to require purchase orders for invoices, to number invoices automatically (providing a unique number for the same vendor), and to require invoice line descriptions. Voucher numbering starts at 1 by default, and aging of accounts payable invoices defaults in 30 day increments.

Refer to the Global Policies Setup - Invoice Tab for details about all global policies for Invoices.

ClosedDefault Accounting Date

You can specify whether the Default Accounting Date is the Transaction Date or the Login Date. The default is Transaction Date. Refer to the Other Tab for additional information.

ClosedPurchase Order Requirement

You have the option of requiring that every invoice have a purchase order entered prior to the creation of an invoice. If you select this option, you are required to select a purchase order during the invoice entry process; if a purchase order is not available, you cannot add the invoice. In addition, you must also select the option to enable purchase orders for Purchase Order Policies. Refer to Requiring Purchase Orders at Purchase Order Concepts and Processes for more information.

This requirement can be overridden with the User policy, Allow Invoices without PO.

ClosedInvoice Numbering

Several options are available when considering invoice numbering and line item description.

You can require that every invoice be numbered (or not). When you require invoice numbering, the Invoice # field on the General Tab Invoices becomes a required field.

You can allow users to enter numbers in the Invoice # field or you can have the system automatically number invoices for you during transaction entry. If you require numbering and let the system automatically number for you, the Invoice # field on the General Tab Invoices becomes a view-only field with a system formatted numbering sequence.

You can require that every invoice include a line description (or not), and you can have the description default based on the prior line description or the expense code description.

The choices you make should reflect your experience with your vendors. For example, if you have vendors who routinely request invoice numbers or if you track receipt of goods and services by invoice numbers, you would want the Invoice # field on the General Tab Invoices to be a required field—you would accept the default that makes that field a required field. You may also want to require an invoice line description and choose whether to have the description default based on the prior line description or the expense code description.

If you have a numbering sequence that you use and you want to continue to use that numbering sequence, you would change the default that causes the system to number invoices automatically. If you don't have a numbering sequence and you want the system to handle the number for you, you would accept the default that causes the system to number invoices automatically.

If you do lots of business with the same vendor and that vendor uses your invoice numbers as a reference, you may want to consider providing that vendor with unique invoice numbers and descriptions. You can select a policy that checks the numbers and descriptions, and warns you when duplicate numbers and descriptions occur. For more information, refer to Assigned Number Format.

ClosedVoucher Numbering

When setting up, you need to add an initial voucher number. As the system adds vouchers, it increments based on this number and automatically updates to the next voucher number.

ClosedInvoice Aging

You must set up aging for invoices over four periods. Aging of accounts payable invoices defaults in 30 day increments. However, you can adjust the increments if your company uses other aging periods.

Setup Questions

Invoice Setup Questions

See Also

Invoice Tab

Invoice Overview

Global Policies