Assigned Number Format from Global Policies

Automatic numbering occurs when the invoice number is blank and automatic numbering for blank invoices is set up. Automatic numbering is set up on the global policy Invoice Tab. If you set up automatic numbering, the system generates a number using the following format: the current date plus .nnn, where nnn is a 3 digit number. The number increments for each new invoice for that vendor.

For example, if you are producing an invoice for ABC Hardware on December 16, 2007, the system assigns the following automatically generated invoice number: 12/16/2007.001. Add another invoice for ABC Hardware and the system assigns the number 12/16/2007.002. Add another invoice for a different vendor and the system starts the numbering process again by assigning 12/16/2007.001 to the invoice for the new vendor.

If you set up the additional restriction—Require unique invoice number to the same vendor—the system generates a number using the same format. However, you cannot enter a previously assigned number.

For example, if the vendor ABC Hardware already has the numbers 12/16/2007.001 and 12/16/2007.002 assigned as invoice numbers, you cannot enter a new invoice for ABC Hardware using either of those numbers. You must either enter another number as the invoice number or let the system assign the number 12/16/2007.003.

See Also

Invoice Overview

Concepts and Processes Introduction