General Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—Reports Setup—Report Formats—General tab

ePO—Setup—Reports—Report Formats—General tab

Use this tab to add and edit general information for a report format.

When this tab is complete, you can use the Sections tab to add one or more sections and the Details tab to add details for the sections that make up the report format. The report format tabs allow you to create a unique design for your general ledger reports.



An asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Format ID *

Enter an identification for the report format. This identification appears on lists and in reports.

Description *

Enter a description for the report format. This description appears on lists and in reports.

Credits format

Select a format for credits from the drop-down list. The following formats are possible: (1000.00), -1000, 1000-. The format you select in this field is used to present credit entries in lists and on reports.

For credit account balances that should be positive amounts, this format does not apply.

Decimal Places

Actual columns

Enter the number of decimal places to be used on reports for the Actual columns. The default is 2.

Budget columns

Enter the number of decimal places to be used on reports for the Budget columns. The default is 0.

Variance columns

Enter the number of decimal places to be used on reports for the Variance columns. The default is 2.

Percentage columns

Enter the number of decimal places to be used on reports for the Percentage columns. The default is 3.

Show account numbers

This option defaults as checked. Accept this default if you want reports to include account numbers before account descriptions on reports.

Remove the checkmark if you do not want reports to include account numbers before account descriptions on reports.

Show zero $ accounts

This option defaults as checked. Accept this default if you want reports to include line items for accounts that have a zero balance.

Remove the checkmark if you do not want reports to include line items for accounts that have a zero balance.

NOTE that checking this option overrides the Sometimes option for the Show field on the Details Tab, i.e., the Headers will print for 0.00 accounts even when Show is set to Sometimes.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to save changes.

See Also

Report Formats Tab

Setup Questions Report Formats General Tab