Sections Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—Reports Setup—Report Formats—Sections tab

ePO—Setup—Reports—Report Formats—Sections tab

Use this tab to manage sections of a report format.


Select a Report Format Section to edit.

Add Section

Use this button to add a detail line to the format. Refer to the add instructions later in this topic.

Sequence Number

The number that identifies the sequence—or detail line. Click this column title to sort the list.


The type of format. The following types are possible: H (Header), D (Detail), T (Total). Click this column title to sort the list.

From Account/Section No.

The starting account number that is applicable to this detail line. The account number is selected on the Details tab. Click this column title to sort the list.

To Account/Section No.

The ending account number that is applicable to this detail line. The account number is selected on the Details tab. Click this column title to sort the list.

Include Acct Types

The account types that are included for this detail line. The types are selected on the Details tab. The following types are possible: Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Profit, Income, Expenses. Click this column title to sort the list.

Divisor Account

The divisor account number that is applicable to this detail line. The account number is selected on the Details tab. Click this column title to sort the list.

Debits, Credits, Both

Shows whether a report format specifies that a report prints debits only, credits only, or both (debits and credits).


Use the Delete button to delete a sequence—or detail line. Refer to the delete instructions later in this topic. Note that you are deleting one sequence and not the entire report format.


This field defaults to Sequence Number; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for entries based on the field label. For example, if you know the format type, click the Type column title and the find field label changes to Find Type.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for or select from a drop-down list, and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.


Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries is longer than one page.

ClosedTo Add Sections

  1. Click Add Section. The following message displays: Add a new section?
  2. Click OK. The Details tab displays.
  3. Use the Details Tab field list to complete the tab.
  4. Click Save. The Sections tab displays again with the new sequence number in the grid.
  5. Repeat these steps to save more sections.
  6. Click Save. The General tab displays again.

ClosedTo Edit Sections

  1. Click the number link the section you want to edit. The Detail tab for the sequence displays.
  2. Use the Details Tab field list to edit the tab.
  3. Click Save. The Sections tab displays again with the updated sequence in the grid.
  4. Click Save. The General tab displays again.

ClosedTo Delete Sections

Use this option to delete one sequence (not the entire report format).

  1. Click the Delete icon for the section you want to delete. The following message displays: Delete this section?
  2. Click OK. The Sections tab displays again without the sequence you just deleted.
  3. Click Save. The General tab displays again.

See Also

Setup Report Formats Tab

Setup Questions Report Formats Sections Tab