Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—T & M Billings Entry
Job Cost—Accounts Receivable—Transactions—T & M Billings Entry
Use this menu item to manage Time and Material billings.
Job Tracking must be turned on to see the menu.
The AR Use Retainage option determines whether retainage fields display.
Required setup:
In eFinancials AR setup, for Customer - Terms, AR Accounts, Markup
In eFinancials setup, Company (Simplified Setup) / Entity (Standard Setup) - Expense Codes
In Job Cost setup, for Jobs - Tax
Fields Lists
The following fields appear on the page.
Add T & M Billing
Use this button to add a Time and Materials billing..
Include Billings in Approved Batches
Select the box to include these T & M Billings in approved batches.
NOTE that Filter Buttons
in column headers allow you to change what appears in
the grid.
T & M Billing ID
The billing ID associated with the T & M Billing.
Click the link to edit the T & M Billing.
The job associated with the T & M Billing. Only one Job is allowed per T & M Billing.
Job Name
The name of the job associated with the T & M Billing.
Billing ID
The billing identification. Click the link to drill to the Billing in eFinancials for this T & M Billing.
Batch ID
The identification of the batch for this T & M Billing.
The Billing (Application) date. Refer to Add/Edit fields, below, for additional information.
Customer ID
The customer identification associated with this T & M Billing.
Customer Name
The customer name associated with this T & M Billing.
The status of this T & M Billing.
The description of the T & M Billing.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the T & M Billing. Click the icon to upload documents for the T & M Billing.
At least one document
is currently stored for the T & M Billing. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
Use the Void iconto void a T & M Billing and all related Billings in eFinancials.
Use the Delete icon
to delete a T & M Billing and all related Billings in eFinancials.
Company | BatchEntity | Property | Batch (Footer Links)
Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch. The T & M Billings associated with that batch display in the grid.
Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch. The T & M Billings associated with that batch display in the grid.
Use this section to add or edit T & M Billings. Note that you cannot add or change an T & M Billing for an approved batch.
A red dot indicates a required field or
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
Job pop-up and select a Job ID. Selecting a Job will :
After you select a job, some fields may be hidden based on the settings on the job.
From Date / Thru Date
Enter a date range into the From Date and Thru Date fields.
From Date defaults to the first day of the year.
Thru Date defaults to the login date.
To change the date, click in the field and use the Electronic Calendarto select a date.
Billing ID
The Billing ID, which initially, it defaults to "New."
The description of the billing. Defaults to TM Billing ending mm/dd/yyy where mm/dd/yyyy is the login date. This field is editable.
Grid Fields
Selecting a Job brings up the detail lines in the grid, and may provide the ability to expand the row.
Using the Edit link for each line, you can post Cost values to the AR billing detail lines, and add Markups based on the Job.
The fields in the line, and the pop-up that appears when you click the Add button, are identical so they are listed below only once.
The possible fields are:
Add button
Click the Add button and a pop-up form that is used to add another line. The form contains the same fields as the line, plus the Text Only check box, which only shows on the pop-up form.
Text Only (check box)
This field appears only in the a pop-up form after you click the Add button.
When you check the box, then only the Cost Type, Date, and Description fields appear in the pop-up. The Date and Description fields are editable.
When you click Save, then the fields in the pop-up are enabled to print as a text line on the T&M Billing.
Edit (link)
Click the link to edit the T& M Billing information for this line. The Edit TM Transaction Information pop-up appears.
Because you edit the line using the pop-up, the fields that appear in the pop-up are the same as those in the line. Fields for the line and the pop-up are as follows:
Cost Type
The Cost Type for this line.
The date for this line.
Options are: AP /JE / IV (the source application of the transaction).
The identification for the transaction.
The Vendor/Item for this line.
Is this Vendor/Item taxable? Options are: Yes/No.
Tax Code
The tax code for the Vendor/Item.
The description from the transaction.
The Unit of Measure for the line.
Unit Price
The unit price for the line item.
The quantity or number of hours for the line.
Billing Amount
The amount being billed for the line.
Cost Markup
The Cost Markup for the line. Refer to the NOTE, above.
Tax Code for Cost Markup
The Tax Code for the Cost Markup.
Subtotal Markup
The Subtotal Markup for the line. Refer to the NOTE, above.
Tax Code
Tax Code from the Subtotal Markup.
Billing Markup
The Billing Markup for the line. Refer to the NOTE, above.
Tax Code
The Tax Code for the Billing Markup.
Cost for Gross Profit
The Cost for Gross Profit for the line.
Billing Status - Bill, Later, or Never:
Bill - Bill in this process
Later - Bill in the next billing process.
Never - Never bill this item. If Never is selected, the transaction is deleted from the database so the line cannot be brought in by the System at another time.
Click the button to save changes to the form.
Note that adding only brings in journal entries that are current.
Use the field lists for help completing the form.
Locate the T & M Billing you want to edit using the grid Filter buttons, if necessary, and then click on the link in the T & M Billing ID column.
Update or Edit the line.
An error message will appear if the accounting void date is earlier than the accounting billing date.
Use the Print T & M Billings menu item in eFinancials.
See Also
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