T & M Contract Type Setup

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

Setup—Job Costing—T & M Contract Types

Use this menu option to manage the setup of Time and Materials Contract Types, which you use when setting up Time and Material Jobs.

The Default Contract Type

The first time a user selects this menu option while logged into a PropertyCompany, the Default contract type is created for this PropertyCompany.

The settings for the Default Contract Type can be changed, but the Default Contract Type cannot be deleted.

If changes are made to the Default Contract Type, any new Jobs created will use the new defaults. Existing Jobs that are already set up will not switch to use the new defaults.

Additional Contract Types can be created using the Add T & M Contract Type button.

NOTE that each T & M Contract Type created is specific to the user's currently logged in PropertyCompany. Contract Types are not common or global.


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