Make the following menu selections to display this grid:
Setup—Job Costing—T & M Contract Types
Use this menu option to manage the setup of Time and Materials Contract Types, which you use when setting up Time and Material Jobs.
The Default Contract Type
The first time a user selects this menu option while logged into a PropertyCompany, the Default contract type is created for this PropertyCompany.
The settings for the Default Contract Type can be changed, but the Default Contract Type cannot be deleted.
If changes are made to the Default Contract Type, any new Jobs created will use the new defaults. Existing Jobs that are already set up will not switch to use the new defaults.
Additional Contract Types can be created using the Add T & M Contract Type button.
NOTE that each T & M Contract Type created is specific to the user's currently logged in PropertyCompany. Contract Types are not common or global.
Add T & M Contract Type
Click the button to add a new T & M Contract Type. Tabs to complete display. Refer to instructions later in this topic for information on how to add a T & M Contract Type.
Contract Type
The label for the T & M Contract Type. For example, Default.
Click this column title to sort the list or click the Filter
button to filter the grid by this column.
The description for the T & M Contract Type. For example, Default Contract Type.
Use the Delete button to delete a T & M Contract Type. You cannot delete the Default T & M Contract Type.
Add/Edit Fields
After selecting to add or edit a Contract Type, a header appears above two tabs, the T & M Billings tab and the T & M Markups tab. The fields in the header that show above these tabs are:
T & M Contract Type
Add or edit the label for the T & M Contract Type. For example, Default.
This field is marked as required only when adding a Contract Type.
Type a description for the T & M Contract Type. For example, Default Contract Type.
NOTE that this field only appears when you are adding a Contract Type.
NOTE that the default for all check boxes is unchecked.
Print one line billing (check box)
Unchecked (default) - Do not print one line billings.
Checked - The Description field appears.
Enter descriptive information you want to print on the billing into the Description text box that appears.
Collect T & M from Journal Entries (check box)
Check the box to enable these billing format options for journal entries.
Billing format for non-labor entries
The following options are available for this option.
Summarize and print one line by type (default) - Select to use the billing format that summarizes and prints one line by Cost Type.
Detail and print each transaction by cost type - Select to use the billing format that shows detail and prints each transaction by Cost Type.
Billing format for labor entries
The following options are available for this option.
Summarize by Job by total billing period (default) - Select to use the billing format that summarizes by Job by total billing period.
Detail by transaction by pay ending date - Select to use the billing format that shows detail by transaction by pay ending date.
Collect T & M from Accounts Payable (check box)
Check the box to enable these billing format options for Accounts Payable.
Billing format for AP entries
The following options are available for the billing format for AP entries.
Summarize and print one line by cost type (default) - Select to use the billing format that summarizes and prints one line by Cost Type.
Detail and print each transaction by cost type - When you select this option, a new field appears, AP Description for the billing, for the billing format.
AP description for the billing
Make a selections for this field for the AP description that will be used for the billing. Options are:
- Vendor name (default)
- Vendor name and Invoice number
- Accounts Payable detail description and Invoice number
NOTE that this field appears only when Detail and print each transaction by cost type is selected for Billing format for AP entries.
Collect T & M from Inventory (check box)
Check the box to enable these billing format options for Inventory.
Billing format for IV entries
The following options are available for the billing format Inventory entries.
Summarize by item number - Select to use the billing format that summarizes by Item Number.
Detail by item number - Select to use the billing format that shows detail and prints by Warehouse Item Number.
Summarize by class code - Select to use the billing format that summarizes by Class Code.
Detail by class code - Select to use the billing format that shows detail by Class Code.
Summarize by cost type - Select to use the billing format that summarizes by Cost Type.
Calculations Options
NOTE that the default for all check boxes is unchecked.
Calculate retainage percent (check box)
Unchecked (default) - The system does not use a retainage calculation for time and materials markups.
Checked - The Retainage percent field appears.
Retainage Percent
Enter a percentage into the Retainage percent text box that appears. The default is 0.000.
The system uses the percentage in its retainage calculation for time and materials markups.
NOTE that this field appears only when the check box for Calculate retainage percent is selected.
Calculate discounts (check box)
Unchecked (default) - The system does not use a discount calculation for time and materials markups.
Checked - The Discount percent field appears.
Discount percent
Enter a percentage into the Discount percent text box that appears. The default is 0.000.
The system uses the percentage in its discount calculation for time and materials markups.
NOTE that this field appears only when the check box for Calculate discounts is selected.
Value Inventory for T & M Billing using
Add or edit the option for this field. Options are:
Unit Cost (default) - Inventory is valued for time and materials billing using Unit Cost.
Unit Price - Inventory is valued for time and materials billing using Unit Price.
Calculate labor billing using
Add or edit the option for this field. Options are:
T & M rate per hour (default)- The labor billed is calculated using the time and materials rate per hour.
Cost plus a percentage - The Cost plus percent field appears. Complete this field.
Cost plus percent
Enter a percentage into the Cost plus percent text box that appears. The default is 0.000.
The system uses the percentage in its calculation for labor using the Cost plus the specified percentage for Cost Markups that are defined in the next section.
Cost Markups
This section defines the markup for the Cost Types on a Job.
Add or edit the description for the Cost Markup you are defining in this section. This is used when you are calculating
Add or edit the Cost Markup percentage. The default is 0.000. The system uses the percentage in its calculation for Cost Markups.
Cost Type
Add or edit the Cost Type for this Cost Markup. Options include: Administrative, Equipment, Labor, Material, Other, Subcontractor.
Separate GL
Add or edit the GL account for this Cost Markup, if you want to use a separate GL account to post to. The default is blank.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a GL Account.Only income type accounts that are job related appear in the pop-up selection grid.
Separate Line (check box)
Checked - Invoice detail is printed on one line and markup cost is printed on a separate line. You can enter a description that appears on the invoice.
Unchecked (default) - When you want the markup amount to be included in invoice detail, one line of invoice detail prints that includes the markup amount.
Subtotal Markups
This section defines the markup based on the total of each of the Cost Types on a Job. Subtotals are shown after Cost amounts.
Add or edit the description for the Cost Markup subtotal you are defining in this section. This is used when you are calculating
Add or edit the Cost Markup percentage for the subtotal. The default is 0.000. The system uses the percentage in its calculation for Subtotal Markups.
Cost Type
Add or edit the Cost Type for this Cost Markup subtotal. Options include: Administrative, Equipment, Labor, Material, Other, Subcontractor.
Separate GL
Add or edit the GL account for this Cost Markup subtotal, if you want to use a separate GL account to post to. The default is blank.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a GL Account.Only income type accounts that are job related appear in the pop-up selection grid.
Billing Markups
This section defines the billing markup for the Cost Types on a Job.
Add or edit the description for the Billing Markup you are defining in this section. This is used when you are calculating
Add or edit the Billing Markup percentage. The default is 0.000. The system uses the percentage in its calculation for Billing Markups.
Separate GL
Add or edit the GL account for this Billing Markup, if you want to use a separate GL account to post to. The default is blank.
Click the Lookup
icon to display the Select
pop-up and select a GL Account.Only income type accounts that are job related appear in the pop-up selection grid.
The first time you log into a PropertyCompany, the system uses your choices to create the Default Contract Type.
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