Make the following menu selections to display this grid.
Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—Estimates
Use this menu item to estimate cost and create an income estimate for the selected job.
NOTE that the fields that appear depend on the Billing Type set up on the Jobs General Tab. Some fields are hidden for some Billing Types.
Cost Tab
The Job identification associated with the estimates
for Cost and Income. Click the lookup to select a Job ID
from the Select Job pop-up. The name of the selected Job appears next
to the field.
The following fields and buttons appear on the Cost tab. This is the tab that displays by default when you select the Job Estimates menu option. Use this tab to estimate Cost for a Job by creating a cost record for each unique job combination.
Add Cost
Click the button to add a new Cost Activity line to the grid on the fly. Use this line to enter a new cost record. Use the Cost Grid field descriptions for help.
Select Cost Types
Click the button to open the Job Cost Type Selections pop-up to select or add one or more Cost Types. This button only appears when the job cost level is set to Job Only on the Job Cost General tab.
To Add a Cost Record for a Job in Procedures later in this topic provides additional information.
Select Cost Activity
Click the button to open the Job (Cost) Activity Selections pop-up to select one or more Cost Activities to add to the grid. In the pop-up form, you can also use the Add Cost Activity button to add a new Cost Activity on the fly.
To Add a Cost Record for a Job in Procedures later in this topic provides additional information.
You can click a column title to sort the grid, or click
the Filter button in a column to filter the grid by that column.
The column headings that appear depend on the Cost Breakdown of the selected Job as selected on the setup Jobs General tab; for example Job, Phase, and Cost appear in the grid only if all those levels are used.
Adding or editing the Phase or Cost fields will default in the Description from Cost Activities setup, if it exists.
Each line is a cost record. You can select the Expand/Collapse option on each line to add or edit information
for the cost record.
The user-defined Phase identification for this cost record that appears on lists and in reports.
The user-defined Cost identification for this cost record that appears on lists and in reports.
Cost Type
The Cost Type for this cost record that appears on lists and in reports. Click in the field and select a Cost Type from the drop-down list.
The user-defined description for this cost record. This may default in from Cost Activity Description setup, but is editable.
The Change Order number for this cost record. The first change order number for each unique job combination for a cost record is required to be 00000, and this number defaults into the field. A change order number of 00000 is required before a non-00000 change order number can be entered. Refer to About Change Orders for additional information.
If you want to add a change order for a unique job combination that was not included on the original estimate, the first job combination for the change order has an estimate amount of zero and the subsequent change order shows the amount.
The estimated cost for this cost record.
The number of hours estimated for this cost record, if applicable.
The quantity for this cost record. This must be a numerical value.
The user-defined unit of measure for this cost
record. For example, if you entered Cement Block
in the Description, then you might enter Each or EA for UOM. Other examples include
LS (Lump Sum), HR (Human Resources), LB (pounds).
NOTE: If you enter Labor in the Description field, then enter Hours for UOM.
Type of Unit
The type of unit of measure associated with the UOM specified for this cost record. Options you can select from the drop down box are Fixed or Variable.
Variable units are used for items where you are being paid based on the actual number of units produced. All situations that are not variable are fixed units.
NOTE: If your UOM is Hours, then enter Fixed.
Workers Comp
The Workers Compensation code that appears on lists and in reports. Click the drop-down box to select a code from the list.
NOTE: Description must be Labor and UOM must be Hours in order to select a Workers Compensation code. This is an optional field.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the invoice. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.
At least one document
is currently stored for the invoice. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
User Fields
Use this button to open a User Fields form that allows you to enter additional information for the Cost Estimate.
Click the button and a User Fields pop-up box opens. Add or edit information.
When done with the pop-up, click the Close button.
Required information is marked with a red circle.
When you want to close the pop-up without making changes, click the x at the top right of the User Fields pop-up form.
The fields in the User Fields pop-up form are established in global setup using the User Defined Fields menu item.
Use the Delete button to delete a cost record line from the grid.
Click the Expand/Collapse button
to show additional fields used to update information for the cost record.
For the additional fields, numeric fields default to zero. The Effective
Date field defaults to the current date.
Revised Estimate
The revised estimate amount for the cost record.
Revised Quantity
The revised quantity for the cost record.
Revised Hours
The revised hours for the cost record.
Percent Complete
The percentage complete for the cost record.
NOTE that the percentage must be entered as a two-decimal percentage; maximum is 100.00. For example, for fifty percent complete, enter .50, not 50.
that you can also click the icon to open the Percent
Complete History pop-up. Use the grid to add percent complete history.
This field is not applicable to jobs with the Billing Type, Time and Material. Billing Type is set up on the Jobs General Tab.
Final Estimate
The final estimate for the cost record.
Final Quantity
The final quantity for the cost record.
Final Hours
The final number of hours for the cost record.
Committed Adjustment
The amount you've spent, or committed, on costs.
Buy Out Adjustment
The buy out adjustment amount. This amount is the difference between the actual cost and estimated cost of the cost record.
Effective Date
The effective date of information entered for this cost record. Click in the field and use the Calendar Button to select a date. The login date is the default date.
Billing Code
Enter or edit the Billing Code. This field defaults to the Phase initially. Changing the Phase does not change the Billing Code, nor will changing the Billing Code change the Phase.
Billing Code is used to group income estimates for Print AIA Applications.
If there is no Phase set up for the Job, i.e., the Cost Breakdown or Billing Level as selected on the setup Jobs General Tab is Job only, then the value of "1" defaults into this field; however, you can edit this field to any value. Refer to About Billing Codes for details.
The Job Activity Selections pop-up form appears when you click the Select Cost Activities button on the Cost tab. Use it to select cost activities to add to the Cost grid.
Add Cost Activity
Click the button to add a new Cost Activity to the grid. When you do, the first line becomes editable. Complete the fields. Some of the fields have drop-down boxes from which you can select an option. Specifically:
Enter a Phase, select a Cost Type from the drop-down box that appears, enter a Description, a Unit of Measure, enter a Type of Unit from the drop-down box that appears, and enter a Workers Compensation code from the drop-down box that appears. Refer to Cost Activity Description setup for more information about these fields.
Select box
Click to select the box for any Cost Activity you want to add to the Cost grid.
Phase, Cost, Cost Type, Description, UOM, Type of Unit, Workers Comp
The Cost Activity fields as set up in Cost Activity Description setup.
Click the button to discard changes and restore defaults.
Click the button to save changes.
Income Tab
NOTE that a red dot indicates a required field or
Use this tab to estimate Income for a Job by creating an income record for each unique job combination.
The Job identification associated with the estimate
for Income. Click the lookup to select a Job ID from the
Select Job pop-up. The name of the selected Job appears next to the field.
The following fields and buttons appear on the Income tab. Use this tab to estimate Cost for a Job by creating a cost record for each unique job combination.
Add Income
A new line appears in the grid when you click the Add Income button on the Income tab. Use this line to enter a new income record. Use the Income Grid field descriptions for help.
Select Income Activities
Click the button to open the Job (Cost) Activity Selections pop-up to select one or more Cost Activities to add to the grid. This is used to record income for the income record. In the pop-up form, you can also use the Add Income Activity button to add a new Cost Activity on the fly.
To Add an Income Record for a Job in Procedures later in this topic provides additional information.
Each line is an income record. You can select the
Expand/Collapse option on each line to add or edit detail
information for the income record.
The column headings that appear depend on the Billing Level for the Job as selected on the setup Jobs General tab; for example Job, Phase, and Cost appear in the grid only if all those levels are used.
Adding or editing the Phase or Cost fields will default in the Description from Cost Activities setup, if it exists.
The user-defined Phase identification for this income record that appears on lists and in reports.
The user-defined Cost identification for this cost record that appears on lists and in reports.
The user-defined description for the Income that appears on lists and in reports. This is used for billing at the Job only level.
The Change Order number. Refer to About Change Orders for additional information.
Owner C/O
The owner's change order number.
Contract Amount
The amount of the contract for the income record.
The quantity for the income record. This must be a numerical value.
The user-defined unit of measure
for the income record.
NOTE: If you enter Labor in
the Description field, then enter Hours for UOM.
Type of Unit
The type of unit of measure associated with the UOM specified for this income record. Options you can select from the drop down box are Fixed or Variable.
Variable units are used for items where you are not being paid based on the actual number of units produced. All situations that are not variable are fixed units.
NOTE: If your UOM is Hours, then enter Fixed.
One of the following icons appears in this column:
No documents are currently
stored for the invoice. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.
At least one document
is currently stored for the invoice. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon
to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or
delete documents.
For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.
User Fields
Use this button to open a User Fields form that allows you to enter additional information for the Income Estimate.
Click the button and a User Fields pop-up box opens. Add or edit information.
When done with the pop-up, click the Close button.
Required information is marked with a red circle.
When you want to close the pop-up without making changes, click the x at the top right of the User Fields pop-up form.
The fields in the User Fields pop-up form are established in global setup using the User Defined Fields menu item.
Use the Delete button to delete an income record from the grid.
expand/collapse (button)
Click the Expand/Collapse button
to show additional fields used to update information for the income record.
For the additional fields, numeric fields default to zero. The Effective
Date field defaults to the current date.
NOTE that changing a Job from Manual to AIA will update the fields on existing Estimates to the default values. Editing an existing AIA Job will NOT adjust existing estimates.
Billing Code
Enter or edit the Billing Code. This field defaults to the Phase initially. Changing the Phase does not change the Billing Code, nor will changing the Billing Code change the Phase.
Billing Code is used to group Income Estimates for Print AIA Applications.
If there is no Phase set up for the Job, i.e., the Cost Breakdown or Billing Level as selected on the setup Jobs General Tab is Job only, then the value of "1" defaults into this field; however, you can edit this field to any value. Refer to About Billing Codes for details.
Effective Date
The effective date of information entered for this income record. Click in the field and use the Calendar Button to select a date. The login date is the default date.
Requested Date
The date the change was requested. Defaults to the current date. This field is only available for Change Orders.
Requested By:
Who requested the change. Options are: Architect (default), Contractor, Owner.
Update work by
How the work is updated. Options include: Dollars, Quantity. Defaults to the setting on the Job setup AIA tab.
Revised Contract
The revised contract amount for this income record om the format 0.00.
Revised Quantity
The revised quantity for this income record in the format 0.00.
Unit Price
The unit price for this income record in the format 0.000.
When the Revised Estimate or Revised Quantity are changed, the Unit Price is calculated (Estimate divided by Quantity).
When the Unit Price is changed, the Revised Estimate will be calculated (Unit Price * Quantity).
Final Contract
The estimated final contract amount for this income record.
Final Quantity
The final quantity of units estimated for the job.
Method of calculating completed work
Job To Date / Percent Complete / Current Period
The method of calculating completed work: Job To Date, Percent Complete, or Current Period.
Defaults to the setting on the Job setup AIA tab.
Retainage %
The completed Retainage percentage in the format 0.0000.
Defaults to the setting on the Job setup AIA tab.
Stored Material
Allow on this line (check box)
Used to indicate whether a stored material charge is allowed on this line of the billing estimate.
The setting defaults to the setting on the Job setup AIA tab.
Checked - Check the box to enter a retainage percentage for stored material on this line of the Job Estimate. When checked, the Retainage % field appears.
Unchecked - Do not select if you do not need to enter a retainage percentage for stored material on this line of the job estimate.
Retainage %
Enter or edit the retainage percentage for stored materials.
The percentage defaults to the value on the Job setup AIA tab.
This field is available only when stored materials are allowed on this line and when the Job allows line item retainage.
Cost Tab
To Add a Job Cost Estimate for a Job
To Edit a Cost Record for a Job
Delete a Cost Record for a Job
Income Tab
To Add an Income Record to a Job
To Edit an Income Record to a Job
Additional Information
Permissions must be set in the System module to access the Job Estimate menu item.
Permissions for Job Estimate
System module—Security—Users—Job Cost—Setup—Job Costing—Job Estimate
See Also
Grid Footer Pagination Controls
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