Print AIA Applications

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

eFinancials—Accounts Receivable—Print AIA Applications

Use this page to print AIA Applications.

About AIA Forms

Print AIA Billings prints your data on forms, which are produced by and available from the American Institute of Architects (AIA). It does not print the form, itself. These industry standard forms can be obtained from

AIATM is a registered trademark of the American Institute of Architects.

For more information, refer to and


Application for Payment (G702 Form)

Select this option to print the Application for Payment (G702 Form).

Continuation Sheet (G703)

Select this option to print the Continuation Sheet (G703 Form).

Application for Payment (G702 Worksheet)

Select this option to print the Application for Payment (G702 Worksheet).

Application and Continuation (G702 and G703 Worksheet)

Select this option to print the Application and Continuation (G702 and G703 Worksheet).

Print Test Pattern (check box)

Check the box to print a test pattern to check for alignment of your printer. You can print as many test patterns as you need to correctly align the paper. When you are finished, deselect the check box and print on the form.

This check box is not available when either Worksheet is selected.

From / Thru (Job / Project Manager / Billing Date)

(Optional) Click the Lookup icon to display the Select pop-up and select range of IDs for the billings you want to print.

This is available for Job, Project Manager, or Billing Date. To Print a billing for an individual Job, Project Manager, or Billing Date, select the same ID for both From and Thru.

Print (button)

Click to print the report.

ClosedTo Print AIA Applications

Refer to Fields list, above, for more information about selection criteria.

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Accounts Receivable—Print AIA Applications.
  2. Select the form or worksheet you want to print. Use the Fields List for help.
  3. If you want to print a test pattern, used to align your printer properly before printing on a form, select Print Test Pattern.
  4. If you want to print on a form, or print a worksheet, ensure that the Print Test pattern box is not checked.
  5. (Optional) Select a From / Thru range for Job, Project Manager, and/or Billing Date.
  6. Click Print.

See Also

Accounts Receivable Introduction

Jobs Tabs - AIA Tab