About Change Orders and the C/O field

About the C/O Field in Job Estimates

When a Job/Phase/Cost/Cost Type combination already exists, then the change order number that defaults into the field is the highest change order number (for that combination) + 1. Note that any change order number that is not 00000 can be edited and overridden.

The system defaults in the next Change Order value for any Job/Phase/Cost/Cost Type combination that is added using the Add Cost or Select Cost Activities buttons.

When you click the Add Cost or Add Income button, the data on the tab is saved so that the system knows what the next change order value should be in case the same Job/Phase/Cost/Cost Type combination is added by someone else before the user would have saved otherwise.

About Adding Multiple Job Estimates

When adding multiple Job Estimates without saving in between, the new Job Estimates are assigned incrementing change order numbers. For example, you start with Phase 1, Change Order 00000, and then you add a new item, the Change Order is assigned as 00001. Then you add yet another Estimate for Phase 1 and the Change Order number is assigned as 00002, and this incrementation of the change order number continues.

See Also

Job Estimates

Job Cost Overview