Setup Budgets Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Setup—GL Setup—Budgets or

Use this grid to manage budgets and import and export budgets to an Excel spreadsheet.

Note that the account numbers in the grid for which you can set up budgets include a record type. Only budgets that carry a record type of Detail can have a budget added, edited, or deleted. Record types are selected on the Account Maintenance Tab. Also, refer to Budgets Concepts and Processes for more information.


The following fields and buttons appear on the grid that displays when you select the menu option.


Selected EntityCompany

Select an entitycompany from the drop-down list. The accounts associated with that entitycompany display in the grid below.


Select a budget year from the drop-down list. The accounts associated with that budget year display in the grid below.

Budget Version

Select a budget version from the drop-down list.  The accounts associated with that budget version display in the grid below.

Import from Excel

Select this button to import a budget from an Excel spreadsheet. The system displays the Import from Excel Tab.

Export to Excel

Select this button to export a budget to an Excel spreadsheet. The system displays the Export to Excel Tab.

Find [Column Title]

This field defaults to Account #; however, if you click any underlined grid column title, the field label changes to reflect your selection. You can then search for entries based on the field label. For example, if you know the budget description, click the Description column title and the find field label changes to Find Description.

Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for (or select from a drop-down list if one displays), and then select the Find button. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in the grid below. Click column titles to sort the list further.

Go Button

Use the Page field and the Go Button to display additional pages when the list of entries in the grid is longer than one page.


Account #

The valid account numbers for the selected entitycompany, year, and budget version. These account numbers appear on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field. Click an account number to display tabs.


The valid description of the account numbers for the selected entitycompany, year, and budget version. The descriptions appear on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list and change the Find field.

Record Type

The record type selected for the account number on the Account Maintenance Tab. Only budgets that carry a record type of Detail can have a budget added, edited, or deleted.

Account Type

The account type selected for the account number on the Account Maintenance Tab.

Yearly Budget

The yearly budget amount entered for the account number.


Select this link to display the propertycompany-related documents associated with the propertycompany. Refer to the Documents Tab instructions for more information.


Use the Delete button to delete the budget that is associated with the account number, but not the account number.

Display Accounts

Add or Edit Budget

Delete Budget

Export Budget Amounts to Excel

Import Budget Amounts from Excel

Field List

Budget Tab


Setup Introduction

ePO Introduction