Find Button  

The Find button, and its associated field, display on various pages throughout eFinancials. As you add entries to this application, the lists of entries may become too long to display on one page. Use the Find Button and the text field to locate specific entries.

ClosedTo Find an Entry

  1. Enter data in the Find field. The label associated with the Find field gives you a hint about the type of data the Find field is set up to look for. For example, for the label Find Date, enter a date using the date format mm/dd/yyyy.
  2. Click Find. The result displays in the grid.

ClosedUnderstanding the Find Field Label

Many grids within this application include the ability to sort a column when you click the column heading. Frequently, sorting a column affects the Find field label. When you click the column heading, the label on the Find field updates to reflect the data associated with the selected column heading. For example, if the Find field label says Find Date, and you click the column heading Amount, the Find Field label changes to Find Amount. You can then use the Find field and button search for an amount in the grid list.

ClosedUnderstanding the Drop-Down List

If you have AutoComplete enabled on the AutoComplete Settings screen in your web browser, a Find field drop-down list can display. When you repeat a previous search, a drop-down list can display automatically because the system remembers your previous searches.

For example, if you complete a search for invoices that start with the number 123, the system remembers that search. The next time you enter the number 1 in any Find field, the system automatically displays a drop-down list with the number 123 on it. You can select 123 from the list, and then click the Find button to repeat the previous search.

If you simply click in the Find field, a list of previous searches displays. When this list becomes too extensive, you can clean it up. Refer to the topic Drop-Down Browser Lists for more information on clear entries from this list.

See Also

Buttons, Icons, and Links


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