Export / Import Budget Data Using Excel

The general ledger application includes the ability to export budget data to an Excel spreadsheet, update budget amounts, and import the new budget data back into the system.


ClosedExport Processing

The Budget Export to Excel Tab displays when you click Export from Excel on the Setup Budgets Tab. Use this tab to export general ledger budget data into an Excel spreadsheet.

When an export occurs, the system creates an Excel spreadsheet with the following data: EntityCompany ID, year, account number, account description, 12 budget column amounts, and a total yearly budget amount. You can use this spreadsheet to edit budget amounts.

ClosedImport Processing

The Budget Import from Excel Tab displays when you click Import from Excel on the Setup Budgets Tab. Use this tab to import general ledger budget data using an Excel spreadsheet.

Import Processing

When an import occurs, the system verifies the format of the file. If the file format is correct, the system adds the spreadsheet rows that pass to the database and displays the rows in the grid on the Setup Budgets Tab. The account numbers display in ascending order. When amounts differ, amounts from the spreadsheet replace existing amounts in eFinancials. When an amount exists in eFinancials and the spreadsheet includes no corresponding amount, the amount remains in eFinancials.

Debit/Credit Signs

The system keeps the budget values the same during the import. Each account type will keep their respective positive or negative values.

See Also

Budgets Overview

Financials Concepts Introduction