Check Print Tab

As part of Bank Accounts setup, use this tab to add or edit check and direct deposit advice print settings. Notice that check entries are on the left side of the tab and direct deposit advice entries are on the right side.



A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Next Check # *

When setting up a Bank Account, enter the next check number you want to use for a check run. The system validates this is a unique number for this bank.

Each time you enter a check run, this number increments. For example, if check number 1062 is displaying in this field and you enter a check run, the system assigns 1062 as the first check number in the check run. This field always defaults based on the last check number used in the last check run, and is editable.

Next Advice #  

When setting up a Bank Account, enter the next advice number you want to use for a check run. The system validates this is a unique number for this bank.

Each time you enter a check run, this number increments. For example, if advice number 20062 is displaying in this field and you enter a check run, the system assigns 20062 as the first advice number in the check run. This field always defaults based on the last advice number used in the last check run, and is editable.

Zero $ Check

Select a print option from the drop-down list for handling checks that total zero dollars. The following options are possible:

Positive Pay ID

Select a Positive Pay ID from the drop-down list.

Print ON-US before account #

This option defaults as checked. Accept this option and the ON-US symbol will print on the check MICR line before the account number.

Clear the check box and the ON-US symbol will not print before the account number.

Print ON-US after account #

This option defaults as checked. Accept this option and the ON-US symbol will print on the check MICR line after the account number.

Clear the check box and the ON-US symbol will not print after the account number.

Only Check Formats with an RTF Output Type will display when 'Use Signature Fonts' is checked

This is a reminder that on Check Format Maintenance, the Check Format Output Type must be set to RTF (not PDF) to use signature fonts.

Use Signature Fonts

Select this check box if you want the digital signature(s) from your printer's signature cartridge printed on the check.


You can add password protection for printing electronic signatures. To set this up, check the Use Signature Font check box here, and then on the global policies Check tab, check the Require password to print checks using Signature Font check box and complete the password fields to create the password protection.

Check Format *

From the drop-down list, select one of the available check formats. This list includes all check formats listed on the Setup Check Formats grid. Your selection here affects the options available for Sort Sequence. For descriptions of the default check formats, and procedures for adding and maintaining check formats, refer to Setup Check Formats.

If your system uses Simplified Company Setup, note that any default check formats that reference Property are suitable to be used for Company. For example, if you select the default check format Check_Stub_11_Prop, the checks are grouped by Company instead of Property.

Sort Sequence

Select a sequence from the drop-down list. The following sorts are possible: Vendor Code, Vendor Name, Amount, ZIP code. In addition, if you select a "By Property" Check Format (suitable for use with Simplified Company Setup) then these additional options are available: PropertyID (CompanyID)/Vendor Code, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Vendor Name, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Amount, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Zip Code. If one of these options is selected, when checks are printed for the bank, checks are first sorted by Property ID (or Company ID for Simplified Company Setup) and then by the secondary field option for the Sort Sequence selected.

Sort Dollar Split

Enter an amount for a dollar split. Use this option when the checks or direct deposits you are printing require special handling.

Checks and direct deposits that are equal to or greater than the amount in this field print first and are sorted based on the selected sort sequence. In addition, a second signature line may print if the check amount is greater than or equal to the amount in this field. For more information, refer to the following fields in this topic: First Signature Options, Second Signature Options.

Checks that are less than the amount in this field print next and are sorted based on the selected sort sequence.

First Signature Options

Automatic Signature Limit

Enter a check amount limit, which will determine if a signature font or a blank signature line is printed for the first signature. When checks are less than or equal to this amount, the signature font will be printed; when greater than the amount, a blank line will be printed.

Signature Text

This field works in conjunction with the amount entered into the first Automatic Signature Limit field. Type or edit the text to be printed under the first signature line on checks. If this field is left blank, nothing is printed under the line.

Second Signature Options

Enable Signature

From the drop-down list, select one of the following options to control whether the Second Signature Text is added to the check.

Minimum Amount and Automatic Signature Limit

These fields are used together to determine what is printed for the Second Signature: a signature font or a line for a manual signature.


If the Minimum Amount is $1000 and the Automatic Signature Limit is $25,000, the Second Signature font will be printed on any check between $1,000 and $25,000. For any check greater than $25,000, a second manual signature line  will be printed, with the Second Signature Text underneath.

Signature Text

This field works in conjunction with the amount entered into the Second Automatic Signature Limit field. Type or edit the text to be printed under the second signature line on checks. If this field is left blank, nothing is printed under the line.


Click to exit without saving your changes.


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Setup Check Formats

Checks Overview

Setup Questions Check Print Tab

Properties Tab

Bank Accounts Tab

General Tab