Questions for Bank Account Check Printing Tab

Questions in this section are intended to help you make decisions about your setup. These questions follow the order of the fields as they are described in the Field List section of the topic for this page or form.

Field List

Refer to the following field list for more information: Check Print.


  1. Print this topic—one set of questions for each bank account you want to set up. Right-click this topic to display a popup menu, and then click Print.
  2. Confirm that you have read the setup details on the topic.
  3. Answer each of the questions on the setup questions pages.
  4. Enter a response or circle your answer. The If statement tells you what you should do on the tab in the system, based on your answer.
  5. Use your answers as a guide to setting up each bank account.

Questions for Check Printing Tab

Questions on this page are organized into three topics, check-related questions, direct-deposit-related questions, and general bank account questions. For more information, refer to Check Printing Tab.

Check Questions

Next Check #

What do I want the next check number to be?

Enter the number: ________________________________

Next Advice #

What do I want the next advice number to be?

Enter the number: ________________________________

Use Signature Fonts

Do I want to print digital signature(s) (Automatic Signatures), from my printer's signature cartridge on checks?

Circle one: Yes, No

Check Format

What Check Format do I want to use? Refer to Setup Check Formats for descriptions of the default check formats and procedures for adding or maintaining check formats.

Enter the Check Format name: ________________________________

Sort Sequence

In what sequence do I want checks and advices to sort? Refer to Setup Check Formats for details.

Circle a sequence: Vendor Code, Vendor Name, Amount, ZIP code, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Vendor Code, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Vendor Name, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Amount, PropertyID (CompanyID)/Zip Code.

Positive Pay ID

What Positive Pay ID do I want to use? Refer to Positive Pay Overview for more information.

Enter the Enter the Positive Pay ID name: ________________________________

Zero $ Check

How do you want to handle checks that total zero dollars? Refer to Setup Check Formats for descriptions of these options.

Circle one: Print Nothing, Print Check, Print Advice.

First Signature Options

First Automatic Signature Limit

What dollar amount do I want for the first Automatic Signature Limit? Less than or equal to this amount and the Automatic Signature is printed. Greater than the amount and a blank line for a manual signature is printed.

Enter the dollar amount: ________________________________

First Signature Text

What text do I want to appear under the blank line for a manual signature, if any?

Enter the first Signature Text: ________________________________

Second Signature Options

Enable Signature

Do I want to allow a second Automatic Signature or a manual signature line to appear on the check?

Circle one: Yes, based on the Minimum Amount and Automatic Signature Limit, or No

On the screen, from the drop-down list:

—If Yes, circle Always.

—If Yes, based on the Minimum Amount and Automatic Signature Limit, circle Depending on Amount.

—If No, circle Never.

Minimum Amount

What is the minimum dollar amount to print either a second Automatic Signature or line for a manual signature?

Enter the minimum amount: ________________________________

Automatic Signature Limit

What is the dollar amount, over which you require a second manual signature line with the second signature text underneath?

Enter the minimum amount: ________________________________

Second Signature Text

What text do I want to appear under the line for a manual signature, if any?

Enter the second Signature Text: ________________________________

General Bank Account Questions

Answer the following questions that apply to both checks and direct deposit advices.

Sort Dollar Split

At what dollar amount do I want the dollar split for special handling? For more information, refer to the field descriptions for Sort Dollar Split, First Signature Options and Second Signature Options on the Check Print Tab.

Enter an amount: ________________________________

Print ON-US (Before)

Do I want the ON-US MICR code to appear before the Account Number in the MICR line on the check?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, accept the default of the checked check box.

—If no, uncheck the check box.

Print ON-US (After)

Do I want the ON-US MICR code to appear after the Account Number in the MICR line on the check?

Circle one: Yes or No.

On the screen:

—If yes, accept the default of the checked check box.

—If no, uncheck the check box.

See Also

Bank Accounts Overview