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Batch Approval Process
Batch settings can require that batches
go through an approval process. These setting are chosen on the Batch
Tab during the setup of global policies.
- Users who approve batches must also have the Approve Batches permission granted in the System module.
- Users with the Approve Batches permission can also approve batches using the Approve Batches
icon in the Approve column on the Batches grid. Refer to the topic, To Approve Batches using the Grid Icon for more information.
Approval Required
When the policy Require
batch total for approval is checked, the system enables the batch
transaction total fields in the Totals section of the Batches
General Tab. Before the batch can be approved, you must enter totals
into the fields, and these totals must match the total of the transactions
included in the batch.
Complete the Approval
Code if your business requires the code. The code is optional.
Complete the Approved
Date to approve the batch and click Save.
If the system-computed total of transactions does not
match your entries in the Totals section, a message displays. If the system-computed
total of transactions matches your entries in the Totals section, the
batch is Approved successfully, and you are no longer able to make entries
to the batch.
After a batch is closed, the tab displays the user name
in the Approved by field for
the person who approved the batch.
Approval Not Required
If the policy Require
batch total for approval is not checked, the system displays the
batch transaction total fields in the Totals section of the Batches
General Tab; however, you cannot edit the totals. Complete the Approved Date and click Save
to approve the batch.
Approval from a Period Close Tab
Approval from a Fiscal Year Close Tab
If you have batches for an entitya company
that carry the status of Unapproved, the line
of text includes links to those batches. Select the link to open the batch
in the Batches General Tab, where you can
approve the batch and print the Batch Audit Report. For more information,
refer to Fiscal Years Concepts and
Depending on the applications purchased by your company,
batch-related tabs can display from either eFinancials, ePO, Job Cost or Inventory
All policies that affect eFinancials, ePO, Job Cost, and Inventory
batches are set in eFinancials.
A user must have the Approve
Batches user permission set in the System module to approve batches.
This permission is available for eFinancials, ePO, and Job Cost.
When this permission is granted in eFinancials, ePO,
or Job Cost—for example the Approve Batches permission is granted only
in eFinancials—then the user has the permission for all applications.
This permission can be set at System—Security—User
Permissions—eFinancials (or ePO or Job Cost)—Batches.
See Also
Batches - Associated Topics