Schedule Tab

Use this tab to add, edit, or delete recurring information for the general ledger recurring journal entry.



A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field or selection.

Frequency *

Select a frequency for the recurring journal entry, that is, when the transaction in the recurring journal entry should be processed. The following frequencies are possible: (Not Set), Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly Quarterly, Yearly.

Start Date *

Enter a start date for the recurring journal entry using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date. The date you enter is the activation date for the recurring journal entry.

For example, if you select a frequency of monthly and enter 01/05/yyyy, and then process recurring journal entries, the create process updates the Next Date field to 02/05/yyyy based on this start date.

Last Date

Enter a last date for the recurring journal entry using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date. The date you enter is the last date on which the recurring journal entry was processed.

Next Date *

Enter the next date for the recurring journal entry using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date. The date you enter is the next date on which the recurring journal entry can be processed.

End Date *

Enter an end date for the recurring journal entry using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date. The date you enter is the termination date for the recurring journal entry.

Accumulated $

Enter the accumulated amount of the recurring journal entry. This amount is the total amount that has been processed through the current date.

Maximum Amount *

Enter the maximum amount that can accumulate via processing of this recurring journal entry. For example, if you were making payments on an account that totaled $10,000, you would enter $10,000 in this field.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to save your changes.

See Also

Recurring Journal Entries Tab