Global Policies Overview

Global policies allow you to set up system default values that can lighten your workload and cause business data to be processed in a consistent manner. The policies affect the processing of batches, purchase orders, invoices, checks, vendors, budgets, and journal entry numbering and the account mask.


Depending on the applications purchased by your company, global-policy-related tabs can display from either eFinancials or ePO menus.

ClosedSetup Details

Setting up global policies is required. Each set of policies has default settings. The default policy settings do not affect the setup process. However, the first step in setting up should be evaluating the suitability of the settings on each tab in global policies in light of your business requirements.

The Global Policies' Common Tab is of particular importance because this tab is used to determine if your company sets up using Standard or Simplified setup. In addition, the Common Tab is used to set up the account mask. If your account numbers contain spaces, hyphens, or special characters, setting up the account mask at the beginning of the setup phase ensures that all account numbers used in the application adhere to the policy mask format. In addition, the Common Tab is where you make selections that affect purchase orders, specifically the menus that display.

Read all of the sections associated with policies. Your selections of policies and combination of selections may impact your overall data and affect required activities or fields. For your records—and in case you decide to make changes—create a written list of policies you plan to activate. Topics titled Setup Questions in the Policies and Setup Guide provide you with that list of questions that can assist you.

ClosedChanging Policies

Policies can be changed after your initial setup is complete; however, keep in mind that any change may impact your application and its outcomes in unexpected ways. Be cautious about changing policy settings, and consult with a support representative before resetting a policy to find out what the impact may be on your overall system.



In particular, changing the option Simplified Company Setup has far reaching consequences. Please refer to Setup  Introduction for eFinancials (or Setup Introduction for ePO) and Effect of Global Policies - Simplified Company Setup before changing the existing setting.

Policies and Setup Guide Topics

Read the following Setup Guide topics for additional information you can use to set up global policies:

Effect of Global Policies - Common Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Batch Tab

Effect of Global Policies - PO Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Invoice Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Check Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Vendor Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Budget Tab

Effect of Global Policies - AR Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Partnership Accounting Tab

Effect of Global Policies - Other Tab

See Also

Setup Global Policies Tabs

Common Setup Overview

Setup Sequence Standard Setup

Setup Sequence Simplified Setup

eFinancials Concepts and Processes