Effect of Global Policies Other Tab

Global policies provide users with default values. Global policies on the Other tab affect accounts. When setting up, the default is to start journal entry numbering with JE0000 and to have a blank import billing number.

ClosedJournal Entry Number Mask

Since the system is set up to automatically number journal entries, the policy decision you need to make involves the formatting of the number. If your company uses a format, you can use this policy to change the default and have journal entry numbering that matches your format and increments to the next number. If you change the format, remember to end the format with a number so that the system is able to increment to the next number.

ClosedImported Billing Number

Currently, this field defaults to the most recently imported billing number. Additional programming that is scheduled for a future release will make more use of this field.  

ClosedAutomatically Update Line Item Dates

By setting the policy, Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed the system allows you to specify whether or not the system will automatically updates line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when invoice or purchase order dates are changed, or alternatively if the user will be prompted to allow the updates. Options are Prompt (default), Yes, and No.

Based on your settings for this policy and the policy PO/AP Default Accounting Date (options: Login Date or Transaction Date), the system performs in the following manner for Invoice Entry or PO Entry.


When PO/AP Default Accounting Date is set to Login Date and Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed is set to Prompt:

When there are at least two lines and the user updates the Transaction Date, the system automatically updates line items to the Login Date only if the user clicks OK on the prompt. If Cancel is clicked, no changes occur on line items.

When PO/AP Default Accounting Date is set to Transaction Date and Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed is set to Prompt:

When there are at least 2 lines and the user updates the Transaction Date, the system automatically updates line items to the Transaction Date only if the user clicks OK on the prompt. If Cancel is clicked, no changes occur on line items.

When the user edits an invoice or purchase order, and invokes a new line item, the date on the new line item matches the date of the last line item.

When the user edits an invoice or a purchase order, changes the Transaction Date, and then clicks Ok at the prompt, all line items are changed to the new Transaction Date. Then, when a new line is invoked, the new line uses the same date.

When the user adds an invoice or purchase order, and keeps a single line item with a zero dollar amount, when you update the Transaction Date, the system updates line items to the Transaction Date automatically, with no prompt.

When the user adds an invoice or a purchase order, and modifies a single line item amount and then updates the Transaction Date and clicks OK at the prompt, the system automatically updates line items to the Transaction Date.  If the user clicks Cancel, no changes occur on line items.

When PO/AP Default Accounting Date is set to Login Date or Transaction Date and Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed is set to Yes:

When the user updates the Transaction Date, the system automatically updates line items to the Login Date or Transaction Date, as applicable.

When PO/AP Default Accounting Date is set to Login Date or Transaction Date and Automatically update line item dates to the Default Accounting Date when PO/Invoice dates are changed is set to No:

When the user updates the Transaction Date, the system will not automatically update line items when the user tabs off the Invoice Date field.

ClosedStoring Documents in Folders

When you want to store Documents in a folder instead of in the database, you must turn on the global policy, Store saved documents in folders and then specify a path to a folder in the Root Document Path field. When the policy is turned on, instead of saving to the database, files are saved to the specified path.

Refer to Storing Documents in Folders for more information.


This feature is available only for Non-ASP clients.

See Also

Setup Questions - Global Policies Other Tab

Other Tab Policies

GL Accounts Overview

Global Policies