AP: Vendor Required Document Types Expiration

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports—Vendor Required Document Types Expiration or
ePO—Reports—Vendor Required Document Types Expiration

Use this tab to print an exception report for vendors with expired Liability or Worker's Compensation Insurance for a date range and parameters specified.


Required Documents information must be set up for the vendors that you want to report on using the Setup Vendors - Required Documents Tab.


All Required Document Types (check box)

Checked - All Required Document Types appear on the report (default).

Unchecked - A new field appears, Required Document Types, that allows you to select the type you want to see on the report.

Required Document Types

This field appears only when All Required Document Types is unchecked.

Click in the field and a list of the Required Document Types that have been set up in the system appear.

Select them, one at a time, as many as you desire. When you do, the selected Document type appears in the field.

To deselect, click the X for the Document Type you want to deselect.

From Expiration Date / Thru Expiration Date

Enter an expiration date range to be included in the report. Or use the Calendar Button to select dates.

NOTE that only documents with expiration dates within the selected range appear. The report does not take into consideration the effective date range – only expiration date range. The report does not include expiration dates outside of the selected range.

From Vendor ID / Thru Vendor ID

Pick a Vendor ID range for the report. Use the Lookup icon for each field to enter a starting and ending entry for the range. To run the report for one vendor, select the same entry for the From and Thru fields.

Sort by

Select a sort option for the report: Vendor ID or Short Name. The default sort for this report is Vendor ID.

Vendor Status

Select a vendor status option for the report: Approved, Unapproved, All Statuses. The default status for this report is All. Only vendors with the status you select will display on the report.

Include Closed Vendors

Select this check box to include closed vendors on the report, otherwise only active vendors appear.

PDF Format

Select this radio button if you want the report to print in PDF format. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.

Create Spreadsheet

Select this radio button if you want the report to print in an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, refer to Report Printing Options.


Click to exit without saving changes.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Description

The report includes the vendor ID, vendor name, phone Required Document Type information; date of last activity for the vendor, year-to-date purchases from the vendor, and vendor status (Approved/Unapproved/On Hold/Closed).

The report also includes the vendor short name, address and fax number.

The Required Document Information contained on the report is whether the Required Document is required (Y/N), the expiration and effective dates, the document type code, the carrier information for the vendor, the document type description, and the policy/ID from the vendor.

By design, this report shows only Required Document Types that have expiration dates.


The YTD Purchases amount is the total of invoices from the first day of the year of the login date through the login date. The eFinancials YTD Purchases total includes all invoices. For the ePO report, this column header is labeled YTD ePO Purchases and is the total of all invoices within the range except the ones entered in eFinancials (but does include WEB invoices).

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—AP Reports—Vendor Expiration.
  2. For the Liability Expiration From Date and Thru Date fields, type a date range for the report. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date range.
  3. For the Workers Comp Expiration From Date and Thru Date fields, type a date range for the report. Or, use the Calendar icon to select a date range.
  4. From the Sort by drop-down list, select the sort order for the report: Vendor ID or Short Name.
  5. From the Status drop-down list, select the vendor status for the report: Approved, Unapproved or All Statuses.
  6. To include closed vendors on the report, select the Include Closed Vendors check box.
  7. Select one of the following report printing options:
  8. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

Reports Introduction

Vendor Required Documents Setup Tap