EntitiesCompanies Displaying and Posting

Prior to starting a general ledger task, you are asked to select an Entitya Company; for example, on a Transaction tab that has a Current EntityCompany field. The EntitiesCompanies that display on the drop-down list and in tabs are the EntitiesCompanies to which you have been granted specific access. Many more EntitiesCompanies may be in the system; however, you see only your EntitiesCompanies. This is not true for a user with administrator privileges. With administrator privileges, every EntityCompany in the system displays.

ClosedEntitiesCompanies Not Displaying

The General Tab EntitiesGeneral Tab Companies includes an option to allow consolidation for reporting purposes. When this option is selected, the EntityCompany is used for reporting purposes only and is never available for entering transactions; that is, the EntityCompanynever appears on a drop-down list.

ClosedAllow Posting

The General Tab EntitiesGeneral Tab Companies includes an option to allow posting. This option must be selected before the EntityCompany can be selected for a transaction—a transaction that you want eventually to post in the general ledger.

See Also

Entities Overview

Companies Overview