AP: AP Retainage

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

eFinancials—Reports—AP Reports—AP Retainage

Use this page to print an AP Retainage report.


Select PropertyCompany

Click to select propertiescompanies from the Select PropertiesCompanies tab. The report runs for all selected propertiescompanies.  

Sort By

Select a sort option for the report: Job/Vendor (default) or Vendor/Job.

The report will print and have totals based on the sort chosen, or by Vendor if not using Jobs.

NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.

From Vendor ID / Thru Vendor ID

To run the report for a specific Vendor or Vendor ID range, click the Lookup icon to display a pop-up and then select a starting Vendor ID. Repeat the process to select an ending Vendor ID.

Entries on this list are established in Vendor Setup.

NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.

From Job / Thru Job

To run the report for a specific Job range, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Job pop-up and then select a starting Job ID. Repeat the process to select an ending Job ID.

Entries appearing on this list are established in Jobs Setup.

NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.

From PO / Thru PO

To run the report for a specific range of purchase orders, click the Lookup icon to display the Select Purchase Order pop-up and then select a starting purchase order number. Repeat the process to select an ending purchase order number.

NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.

From Prd / Fiscal Year / Thru Prd / Fiscal Year

To run the report for a specific range of values for Period/Fiscal Year, click the Lookup icon to display a pop-up and then select a starting Period/Fiscal Year. Repeat the process to select an ending Period/Fiscal Year.

Include Zero Balance Vendors (check box)

Select this check box to include Vendors on the report that have a zero balance.

Include Unapproved

If Include Unapproved is checked (default), unapproved transactions are included in the report.

If Include Unapproved is unchecked, unapproved transactions are excluded in the report.

Print by PropertyCompany (check box)

If Print by PropertyCompany  is not selected (default), a PropertyCompany ID column is included, with the propertycompany listed for each line, and a list of selected propertiescompanies prints at the end of the report.

If Print by PropertyCompany is selected, the report prints grouped by propertycompany and has a total for each selected propertycompany.

Report Format

PDF Format (default): Select this option to print the report in PDF format.

Create Spreadsheet: Select this option to print the report in an Excel spreadsheet.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Description

This report lists AP Retainage information. For each item, the report shows the PropertyCompany ID, Period, Purchase Order ID, Year, Total Retainage, Total Paid (against Retainage), and Amount Remaining (of Retainage).

The report prints and has totals based on the Sort By option chosen, or by Vendor if not using Jobs. Sort By options are Job/Vendor or Vendor/Job.

The From and Thru ranges limit the data based on selections.

If Print by PropertyCompany is not selected (default), a PropertyCompany ID column is included, with the propertycompany listed for each line, and a list of selected propertiescompanies prints at the end of the report

If Print by PropertyCompany is selected, the report prints grouped by propertycompany and has a total for each selected propertycompany.

If Include  Zero-Balance Vendors/POs is selected, the report includes Vendors that have a zero amount in the Amount Remaining column. Otherwise, only Vendors that have an amount are included on the report.

The report total prints at the end of the report for all data reported.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Reports—AP Reports—AP Retainage.
  2. Click Select PropertyCompany. Select the propertiescompanies for which you want to print the report and click Done.
  3. Complete the other selection criteria options for the report. Use the Fields list, above, for help.
  4. Select one of the following report printing options:
  5. Click Print. If you selected Create Spreadsheet, you are prompted to open or save the report Excel file. Otherwise, the report opens in PDF format.

See Also

AP Reports Introduction

Reports Introduction