Re-indexing the eSite Database

Over time, the amount of database entry can cause the indexes to become extremely fragmented. This means that various pages don’t actually reside next to each other in the database. Locating and assembling data that is fragmented can slow down the SQL Server, and, if the fragmentation becomes too much, can cause SQL Server to ignore the indexes entirely.


AMSI recommends using the SQL Server Database Maintenance Plan Wizard to perform this type of maintenance. It contains the built-in functionality to complete the task without the errors that might occur when performing this type of maintenance manually.

To Re-Index the eSite Database

  1. Ensure that no users are logged on to eSite.
  2. Open your SQL Query Analyzer (SQL 2000) or SQL Management Studio (SQL 2005).
  3. Select the eSite database.
  4. Run the following script:

declare @tname varchar(255)

declare doall cursor for select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='U' order by [name]

open doall

fetch next from doall into @tname

while @@fetch_status=0


dbcc dbreindex(@tname)

fetch next from doall into @tname


close doall

deallocate doall

See Also

System and Database Maintenance

Maintenance Tools and Tasks

Clearing Temp Tables in the EvolutionConfig Database

Clearing the Letters or Output Directory

Deleting Temp Tables in the eSite Database

Performing Database Consistency Checks

Reviewing the Event Log

Backing Up Your Database


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