Use this tab to move a tenant out of a suite. This only
applies to commercial properties (property type 6-Standard
Commercial). Tenants with a current or on-notice
status can be moved-out.
This date defaults to the current system date.
Accept the default indicating the tenant is moving out of the suite as
of this date. Or, enter a different date using the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Or, use the Calendar Button to select
a date.
Stop Billing
Enter the date to stop billing the tenant.
The system defaults this date to the current system date. Or, if the Move-Out Policy Do not default stop billing date is turned on, then the field is blank and you must enter a date.
Accept the default, enter a date using
the format mm/dd/yyyy, or, click the Calendar Button
to display an electronic calendar from which you can select a date.
Refresh Button
Select this button to calculate any prorated amounts
based on the Stop Billing date.
Display-only field used to identify the income
code of any pending charge due as of result of the tenant move-out; for
example B for Base Rent.
Display-only field used to display a brief description
of the income code in the Code field; for example, Base Rent.
Display-only field used to show the amount to
be billed as a result of the tenant moving out of the suite.
Enter any prorated amount to be billed the tenant
for moving out on a day other than the first day of the month. Or, select
the Refresh button to have the
system auto-calculate the prorated amount for you.
The global policy, Calculate
and bill tenants sales tax affects the display of this field.
Enter any tax amounts to be billed the tenant
as a result of moving out of the suite using the format 0000.00. Or, use
the Calculator Button to figure an
Display-only, system-generated field used to show
the total amount payable to the property as a result of the tenant moving
out of the suite based on the dates and amounts entered on this tab.
Move-Out Letter
This box defaults as unchecked. Accept the default
to indicate you do not want a move-out letter to be printed and forwarded
to the tenant vacating the suite. Or, mark the box to indicate a move-out
letter should be printed when the data is saved to be forwarded to the
tenant for their records.
Expire Old Charges
This box defaults as checked. Accepting the default
adds an Ends Date to all recurring charges as part of the move-out process.
Or, uncheck the box to indicate you do not want an Ends Date added to
recurring charges.
Expire Old Leases
This box defaults as unchecked. Accepting the
default tells the system to auto-fill the Lease Ends Date field with the
date the tenant is vacating, plus set the Occupy flag to N as part of
the move-out process. Or, check the box to have the auto-fill the Lease
Ends Date field with the date the tenant is vacating, plus set the Occupy
flag to Y as part of the move-out process.