Use the tab to view or edit previously assessed fees
and security amounts for a selected resident. Details displayed at the
top of this tab are for reference only and cannot be edited.
User access to individual Lease Changes tasks is determined
by eSite user security permissions. For information about setting user
permissions, refer to the System Help.
Fee Code
Select another Fee code from the drop-down list.
Fees are established on the Fee Setup.
Fee Description
This field is automatically populated with a description
of the selected fee.
Type an amount using the format 0000.00.
Concession amounts must be entered as credits (for example: -50.00).
Sec Code
Select a different security income code to bill
the resident from the drop-down list. Security type income codes are established
on the Income Codes Tab.
This field is automatically populated with a description
of the selected security income code.
Type an amount to bill the resident using the
format 0000.00. Or, click the drop-down arrow to display a calculator
that you can use to complete this field.
Concession Code
From the drop-down list, select a concession code
to bill the resident. Fixed concession codes are established on the Fixed Concessions Tab.
This field is automatically populated with a description
of the selected concession code.
This field is automatically populated with the
amount provisioned for the selected concession code.
If you have edit permissions for concession amounts,
you can type a different amount to bill the resident using the format
-0000.00. Or, click the drop-down arrow to display a calculator that you
can use to complete this field.
Concession amounts must be entered as credits (for example: -50.00). If group concession limits
have been setup for this property, the limits are applied for the amount.
For more information, refer to Group
Concession Limits.
Total Fees
System-maintained field used to show the total
amount of fees selected to bill the resident.
Total Deposit
System-maintained field used to show the total
amount of deposits selected to bill the resident.
Total Concessions
System-maintained field used to show the total
amount of concessions selected to bill the resident.
System-maintained field used to show the sum of
Total Fees, Total Deposits, and Total Concessions.