Use this tab to add and edit contact information for
the lease guarantor. The guarantor is the person, such as the student's
parent, who agrees to pay in the event the student fails to make the rent
The Guarantor Signed icon is available on the View Pending
Applications/Leases grid only if the Student
Signed date has already been entered.
An asterisk (*)
indicates a required field.
Lease Begins *
Type the date (mm/dd/yyyy) the lease begins. Or,
click the Calendar button
to select a date.
Lease Ends *
Type the date (mm/dd/yyyy) the lease ends. Or,
click the Calendar button to
select a date.
Lease Term *
Type the term of the lease in months. For example,
for a 6 month lease, type 6.
Lease Type *
The lease type (such as Month
to Month or Term). The
available options are established on the Lease
Types Tab. The default setting is determined by the property policy
Default Lease Term in
the Lease category. To change the default, enter a different lease type.
Select this check box if the lease is a month-to-month
lease. Or, if the lease is not a month-to-month lease, leave this check
box cleared.
Expected Move-In
Type the expected move-in date for the resident.
Or, click the Calendar button
to select a date.
Before you can proceed to the move-in process, you must
either select the Security Deposit in
Lieu of check box or enter a Guarantor
Signed date along with the Guarantor name and address information.
Security Deposit in Lieu of
Select this check box if the student will pay
an additional deposit amount because no guarantor is committed to the
Before you can proceed to the move-in process, you must
either select the Security Deposit in
Lieu of check box or enter a Guarantor
Signed date along with the Guarantor name and address information.
Guarantor Signed
Type the date (mm/dd/yyyy) the lease was signed
by the lease guarantor. Or, click the Calendar button to select a date.
Before you can proceed to the move-in process, you must
either select the Security Deposit in
Lieu of check box or enter a Guarantor
Signed date along with the Guarantor name and address information.
Type the title of the guarantor (for example,
Mr., Mrs., Dr. etc.).
First Name
Type the first name of the guarantor.
Type the middle initial of the guarantor.
Last Name
Type the last name of the guarantor.
You can disregard this field. This list is preset
as Guarantor to identify the contact
as the guarantor for the lease and it cannot be changed.
Click to open the Occupant
Address/Details tab to add or edit the guarantor address.