Use this tab to add or edit expense accounts within an
expense table. To access this tab, from the Expense Tables Setup grid,
click Add Expense Account to add
an expense account. Or, to edit an expense account, click the Accounts button
and then click a Line
# or click Add Expense Account.
Line # *
Enter the line number for the expense. During
initial setup, it is recommended that line number be entered in increments
of 10 to allow for other expense accounts to be added later.
Type of Account
Define the account type, by selecting an option
from the drop-down list. The following options are possible:
includes header information only.
includes defined expense account amounts.
includes totaling information only.
Print Code
Determine when the expense account should print
on escalation reports by selecting an option from the drop-down list.
The following options are possible:
print the expense account, regardless of the tenant's balance.
print the expense account if the tenant has a balance due.
print the expense account, regardless of the tenant's balance.
Expense Acct Desc *
Enter a description of the expense account.
Spaces Before
Enter the number of spaces to print before the
line number on escalation reports. Your entry should be a single digit
between the numbers 0 and 9. Or, T to indicate the line number should
print at the top of a new page only.
Spaces After
Enter the number of spaces to print after the
line number on escalation reports. Your entry should be a single digit
between the numbers 0 and 9. Or, T to indicate the line number should
print at the top of a new page only.
Underline Char Before
Determine which type of underline character should
print before the expense account line item on escalation reports by selecting
an option from the drop-down list. Options are hard-coded into the system.
If no underline character should print, select None.
Underline Char Before
Determine which type of underline character should
print after the expense account line item on escalation reports by selecting
an option from the drop-down list. Options are hard-coded into the system.
If no underline character should print, select None.
Pass-Thru %
Enter the percentage of expenses for this expense
account that should be passed through to tenants during the recoveries
Grossup Flag
This field defaults as unchecked. Accept the default
to base the gross up increase on the actual amount billed to the tenant.
Or, check the field to calculate the tenant's percentage based on an amount
adjusted by the occupancy percentage defined during Recoveries setup.
Grossup can be uses in calculations of the property square footage for
the denominator and for the calculations of the expense accounts for the
tenant recovery total.
1st – 9th. Use the calculator options to determine
how amounts associated with the expense account should be figured when
escalation-related reports are run. The following options are possible:
Detail Lines ( ), +. -
Total Lines ( ), +, -, P, Z
( ) = No Action
(+) = Add
(-) = Subtract
(P) = Print
(Z) = Zero and move total
Enter the entity number corresponding to the G/L
project containing the expense accounts.
G/L Account Number *
Enter the beginning G/L account number for the
range of accounts to include in this expense accounts group.
PC Flag
This field is affected by the property policy,
Use Profit Centers and only displays if the policy is checked.
Determine if the expense account is associated
with a profit center, by selecting an option from the drop-down list.
The following options are possible:
profit centers are used. Selecting this option enables the next field,
Profit Center.
profit centers are not used. Selecting this option disables the next field,
Profit Center.
Profit Center
This field is affected by the property policy,
Use Profit Centers and only displays if the policy is checked.
If Yes was selected from the PC Flag field, enter
the profit center number or ID to associate with the expense account.
G/L Account Number *
Enter the ending G/L account number for the range
of accounts to include in this expense accounts group. Note:
You can enter the same GL Account number in the From and Through fields
if you want a separate line item for each GL account. (If
you import the GL Accounts, the system will automatically import one line
item per account)
PC Flag
This field is affected by the property policy,
Use Profit Centers and only displays if the policy is checked. Determine
if the expense account is associated with a profit center, by selecting
an option from the drop-down list. The following options are possible:
profit centers are used. Selecting this option enables the next field,
Profit Center.
profit centers are not used. Selecting this option disables the next field,
Profit Center.
Profit Center
This field is affected by the property policy,
Use Profit Centers and only displays if the policy is checked. If Yes
was selected from the PC Flag field, enter the profit center number or
ID to associate with the expense account.