GL Intercompany Tab

Use this tab to add or edit general ledger intercompany relationships.



An asterisk (red * ) indicates a required field or selection.

Source EntityCompany*

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select EntityCompany Tab and select an Entitya Company as the source for the general ledger intercompany relationship.  

Source Due To/From GL Account *

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select GL Account Tab and select a general ledger account for the general ledger intercompany relationship.

Destination EntityCompany*

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select EntityCompany Tab and select an Entitya Company as a destination for the general ledger intercompany relationship.

Destination Due To/From GL Account *

Click the Lookup Button to display the Select GL Account Tab and select a general ledger account for the general ledger intercompany relationship.

Reference Description *

Enter a journal entry line item description. The description appears as the default description when intercompany offsetting journal entry line items are created during the intercompany process.



Select this button when you want to stop without saving changes.


Select this button to save changes.


GL Intercompany Tab

Setup Questions Intercompany