Setup Vendors - Groups Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—Vendors—Groups Tab or
—Setup—Vendors—Groups Tab

Use this tab to add or edit group information for a vendor. Refer to Groups Concepts and Processes for more information.


This vendor is a member of the following vendor groups:

A list of the groups to which this vendor belongs.

(Select group)

To add a group, select the group from the drop-down list. The group is added to the previous field. Groups appearing on this list are established on the Groups Tab in Global Setup.


To delete a vendor from a group, select the vendor and click Delete.

Select vendor group to use for Group Type and Group Code when exporting to ePO:

Complete this field if you plan to export vendors to ePO. Select a vendor group from the drop-down list. Vendors displaying on this list appear on the member list above. Your selection in this field affects the vendor groups that display for export on the Vendor Export Tab.

Refer to Vendor Groups Exported to ePO for more information.

Select vendor group to use for Class Code when exporting to ePO:

Complete this field if you plan to export vendors to ePO. Select a vendor group from the drop-down list. Vendors displaying on this list appear on the member list above. Your selection in this field affects the vendor groups that display for export on the Vendor Export Tab.

Refer to Vendor Groups Exported to ePO for more information.



Add PO

Add Invoice


See Also

Vendors Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Groups Tab