Subcontract Inquiry

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:


Use this grid to inquire about subcontracts. The grid shows all open subcontracts for the selected entitycompany.


ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields appear in the grid:

Grid Header

Subcontract ID

Click the Lookup icon to display a pop-up and then select a Subcontract ID to inquire on. The grid updates based on your selection

Entries on the pop-up are established using the Subcontract Entries Grid.

Include Closed Subcontracts check box

Select to include closed subcontracts in the grid. The grid updates based on your selection.


All open subcontracts appear in the grid initially based on your currently selected entitycompany. Use links in the footer to change the selection.


Click a column title to sort the list.

Filter Buttons Filter button in column headers allow you to change what appears in the grid.

Subcontract ID

The Subcontract ID for the subcontract.

Click a Subcontract ID link to go to Setup Subcontracts to view or edit information for the Subcontract.

View and edit permissions for Subcontracts must be granted in the System module for the user to view or edit open Subcontract records.


The description for the subcontract name.

Vendor ID

The vendor identification number.  

Click a Vender ID link to go to theSetup Vendors Grid to view or edit information for the vendor.

View and edit permissions for vendors must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open vendor records.

Vendor Name

The name of the vendor whose ID appears in the Vendor ID column.


The Job number associated with the subcontract.

When a subcontract is for a single Job, click a Job link to go to Jobs Setup to view information for the Job. Drill-down is not available when a subcontract is for multiple jobs.

View and edit permissions for Jobs must be granted in the System module for the user to view and edit open Jobs.

NOTE that this option appears only when using Track Jobs.

Subcontract Date

The date for the subcontract.


The status of the subcontract - Open or Closed.

Original  Amount

The original amount of the subcontract.

Total Contract

The total amount for the subcontract that includes all change orders.

Invoiced Amount

The total amount that has been invoiced for the subcontract.

Click a link in this column to drill down view a list of invoices for the subcontract. Then, users with permissions can drill into the specific invoices. Refer to the Fields List and Procedures for more information.

NOTE that if the amount in this column is 0.00 then there is no link.


The current balance for the subcontract.


One of the following icons appears in this column:

No documents are currently stored for the subcontract. Click the icon to upload documents for the invoice.

At least one document is currently stored for the subcontract. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete documents.

For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.

Grid Footer


Totals appear for the items on the page for these columns: Original Amount, Total Contract, Invoiced Amount, and Balance.


ClosedTo Locate Subcontracts

  1. Use the following options in the grid header to change what appears in the grid (use the Fields List for help):
    Subcontract ID
    Include Closed Subcontracts

    The grid refreshes to show subcontracts based on your selections.
  2. To refine your search, locate subcontracts using any of these methods:

    Click a column title to sort the list.

    Filter ButtonsFilter button in column headers to change what appears in the grid.

    Use grid pagination controls to view another page of the grid.

ClosedTo Drill Down for Details

Refer to the Fields list for additional information.

NOTE that users must have view / edit permissions for the detail pages in the System module to view / edit detail pages.

  1. Locate the subcontract you want to view or edit. Use To Find subcontracts, above, for help.
  2. Select the link in a column. There are links in the following columns.

    Subcontract ID
    Vendor ID
    Job (if Track Jobs is turned on)
    Invoiced Amount
  3. Users with permissions can view and edit open items.

See Also

Grid Pagination Controls

Welcome to Contracts