Purchase Orders Grid

Make the following menu selections to display this grid:

eFinancials—Accounts Payable—Transactions—Purchase Order or

ePO—Purchase Order

Use this grid to manage purchase orders.


You may use Check Budget to check the budget to determine the effect that the invoice you are adding will have on your budget.

Fields Lists

ClosedGrid Fields

The following fields appear on the page.


Add Purchase Order

Use this button to add a purchase order.

Add Inventory PO

Use this button to add an Inventory purchase order.

This button appears only when:

Inventory Valuation is turned on;

The Other Tab global policy to Use Inventory is on; and

PO Tab global policy for One Allocation per PO line is turned off.

Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs

Select this option if you want purchase orders that carry the status of closed, denied, or voided included in the grid display below.


Use the field to search for Purchase Order numbers. Enter the first few letters or numbers to search for. The items that are the nearest match to your entry display in a drop-down. Highlight an item and press Enter to select it to appear in the grid.



Filter Buttons Filter button in column headers allow you to change what appears in the grid.

PO #

The purchase order number that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.

If you do not have permission to edit purchase orders, this number displays as a display-only label. If you have permission to edit purchase orders, this number displays as a link that you can select to display tabs.


The date of the purchase order that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.

Vendor ID

The vendor identification that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.

Short Name

The short name of the vendor that appears on lists and in reports. Click this column title to sort the list.


The description of the Purchase Order.


The status of the purchase order. Click this column title to sort the list. Refer to Purchase Order Statuses for more information.


The total amount of the purchase order. Click this column title to sort the list.


One of the following icons appears in this column:

No documents are currently stored for the purchase order. Click the icon to upload documents for the purchase order.

At least one document is currently stored for the purchase order. Rest your mouse pointer on the icon to see the number of documents stored. Click the icon to view, add, or delete documents.

For more information, refer to the Documents Tab instructions.


Allows for PO Processing from the PO grid when the user has the PO Processing permission. Select the Approve icon. The Approve PO screen appears.

NOTE that the PO Processing permission is in the System module under eFinancials/ePO—Dashboard Snap-ins.


Use the Print icon to print a copy of a purchase order.


 Use the Receive icon Receive icon  to receive a purchase order using Inventory Receipts.


Use the Void icon to void a purchase order.

You cannot void a PO that has invoices or payments associated with it in the system or when a purchase order is closed.

The Void icon is available when the PO status is Pending, Revised, Backorder, or Open, and when no invoices or payments are associated with the PO.

NOTE that purchase orders and subcontracts that were closed because they were fully invoiced or closed manually are reopened by the system when an associated invoice is deleted or voided.


Use the Delete icon   to delete a purchase order.

You cannot delete a PO that has invoices or payments associated with it in the system.

The Delete icon is available only when the PO status is Open, and when no invoices or payments are associated with the PO.

NOTE that purchase orders and subcontracts that were closed because they were fully invoiced or closed manually are reopened by the system when an associated invoice is deleted or voided.


Company | Batch Entity | Property | Batch (Footer LInks)

Make changes using the Footer Links to use the appropriate combination of Company and Batch. The purchase orders associated with that  batch display in the grid.

Make changes using the Footer Links to select the appropriate combination of Entity, Property, and Batch. The purchase orders associated with that  batch display in the grid.

General Tab Fields

Shipping Information Tab Fields

Authorization History Tab Fields

User Fields Tab Fields


ClosedTo Add a Purchase Order

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. Selections you make become the defaults for adding purchase orders.
  3. On the Purchase Orders form, click Add Purchase Order.
  4. Complete the General and Shipping Information tabs using the Fields Lists for help. Move through the form by tabbing from field to field.
  5. Click Save. The system checks the budget.  
  6. For purchase orders that are within the budget, a success message appears.

    For purchase orders that exceed the budget
    , the Approval Notes page displays. Follow these steps:

    On the
    Approval Notes page, enter a free-form justification in the Enter variance notes box, and then click Continue.

    NOTE that the Approval Notes page includes the overall PO description (i.e., PO#, PO Description, PO Date, Vendor ID, Vendor Name), the first line item related to the PO, and the Variance Notes.

    The Purchase Orders grid displays again. In addition, an email is sent to the user with approval authority based on the user policy. The email notifies the user that a purchase order needs to be approved. Purchase orders are approved on the Dashboard using the PO Processing snap-in.

ClosedTo Edit a Purchase Order

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to display in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  4. Click the PO # link for the purchase order you want to edit. The purchase order tabs display.
  5. Make your desired changes on the General and Shipping Information tabs using the Fields Lists for help. Move through the form by tabbing from field to field.
  6. If desired, click Print to create a printable copy of the purchase order. Use the on-screen options to view, save, or print the .PDF that appears.
  7. Click Save to save changes to the Purchase Order. The Purchase Orders grid displays again.

To View Documents for a Purchase Order

ClosedTo Print a Purchase Order

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to display in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  4. Click the Print icon for the purchase order you want to print. A printable copy of the purchase order appears in .PDF format.
  5. To print a hard copy of the purchase order, use the Print feature in the PDF viewer.


For purchase orders that are over budget, the PDF version of the purchase order includes a "Pending Approval" watermark.

ClosedTo Receive a Purchase Order

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to display in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  4. Click the Receive  for the purchase order you want to perform receiving for. The Receive Purchase Order page in the Inventory module opens.
  5. Verify or update the date in the Date Received field. Refer to the Fields list on the Inventory—Transactions—Inventory Receipts page for help.
  6. Enter freeform text about the items being received in the Comment field (optional).
  7. For each item you receive, enter the number received into the Qty Received field on the corresponding line.
  8. When done entering all items received, click Save.

ClosedTo Void a Purchase Order

NOTE that purchase orders and subcontracts that were closed because they were fully invoiced or closed manually are reopened by the system when an associated invoice is deleted or voided.

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to selecta Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to display in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  4. Click the Void icon  for the purchase order you want to void. On the Purchase Orders tab, the purchase order status is updated to Void. Only the Delete icon remains on the grid for the purchase order.

ClosedTo Delete a Detail Line Item

  1. From the Current PropertyCompany drop-down list, select a PropertyCompany. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  2. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to displays in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  3. Click the PO #  for the purchase order for which you want to delete a line item. The purchase order tabs display.
  4. Select the Line Items tab.
  5. Click the Delete icon for the line item detail you want to delete. The system deletes the line item detail immediately.
  6. Click Save. The Purchase Orders tab displays.

ClosedTo Delete a Purchase Order


You cannot delete a PO that has invoices or payments associated with it in the system. The Delete button is available only when the PO status is Pending, Revised, Open, or Backorder, and when no invoices or payments are associated with the PO.

  1. In the title bar at the top of the page, verify that the date is correct. If not, change it to Date you want to use.
  2. Use the Footer Links to select a Company and Batchan Entity, Property and Batch for the purchase order. The purchase orders associated with that PropertyCompany display in the grid.
  3. If you want closed, denied, and void purchase orders to display in the grid, check the Include Closed, Denied, and Void POs check box.
  4. Click the Delete icon for the purchase order you want to delete.
  5. Click OK. The Purchase Orders grid displays again.

Additional Information

ClosedAbout Labor/ Non-quantitative Items on a PO

Purchase Orders allows the entry of a zero dollar line with an Amount/Extended Amount. This would be used in a situation where the line is for something that is not quantitative, for example hours (labor). In this case, the quantity entered as zero is treated like a quantity of 1 for the calculation but stored as 0.

This means that the Unit Cost must be entered for the value you want in the Amount / ExtendedAmount fields.

Effect of Global Policies on Purchase Orders

Effect of Policy Group Settings on Purchase Orders

Effect of User Policies on Purchase Orders

Purchase Order Statuses

Purchase Order Approval

Invoicing Purchase Orders with Buy Out Amounts

See Also

Purchase Order Overview  

Purchase Order Approval

Purchase Order Setup Tabs

Requires Approval Tab

Snap-in Tabs:

Requires Approval Tab

To Approve Tab

To Revise Tab

Approved Tab