Check Budget Snap-In

Prior to adding a purchase order, invoice, or a recurring invoice, you may want to check the budget to determine the effect that the purchase order or invoice you are adding will have on your budget. The quickest way to check is to use the Check Budget snap-in.


Property Company

The propertycompany for which you want to check the budget. Click the PropertyCompany Lookup to change propertiescompanies.


The expense code. Click the Expense Lookup to change expense codes.


The amount of the purchase order, invoice, or a recurring invoice that you want to check against the budget. Enter or edit the amount into the field.


The date for which you want to check the budget. Enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Or, use the calendar button to select a date.

Check Budget Button

Click the Check Budget to check the budget. The Check Budget pop-up displays.

ClosedTo Display the Check Budget Snap-in

To display the Check Budget snap-in, first determine if this will be a global snap-in or an application-specific snap-in.

To Display the Check Budget Snap-in

  1. At the appropriate Dashboard, click Add Snap-in.
  2. Select Check Budget from the pop-up that displays and then click OK. The Check Budget snap-in displays.

ClosedTo Check the Budget

  1. At PropertyCompany, select a propertycompany to work with. Only propertiescompanies to which you have access can be selected.
  2. At Expense Code, select an expense code from the drop-down list. The list includes only expense codes that are valid for the selected propertycompany.
  3. At Amount, enter the amount of the item you are adding.
  4. At Date, enter the date for the invoice using the format mm/dd/yyyy. Or use the Calendar Button to select a date.
  5. Click Check Budget. The system displays a pop-up tab with the following information:

Month-to-Date and Year-to-Date budget amounts with

Open Purchase Orders to be subtracted

Pending Purchase Orders to be subtracted

Current Invoice totals to be subtracted

Current Journal Entries to be subtracted

Current Shipments* to be subtracted

The above subtractions total New Amount, which is subtracted to show the Remaining amount in the budget.


In addition, the pop-up includes a percentage graph with Month-to-Date and Year-to-Date percentages.


* NOTE that Shipments appear in the snap-in only when the Budget global policyJournal Entries affect the budget is checked and the user has a valid Inventory Valuation license.

  1. To print a copy of the data in the pop-up, click Print. A print dialog box displays. Use the print dialog box to complete the printing process.
  2. To display criteria affecting the graphs, including Global Policies (GP), click More Info....
  3. Click Close  to close the More Info... pop-up.
  4. Click Close to close the Budget Graph pop-up.

See Also

Accounts Payable Introduction