Print Subcontracts

Make the following menu selections to display this page:

Contracts—Subcontracts—Print Subcontracts

Use this page to print subcontracts that have been entered into the system.

This report is NOT available to be printed in a Series of Reports.


By Subcontract / By Vendor / By Job

Click to select an option:

By Subcontract - This is the default. Select to print by Subcontract.

By Vendor - Select to print by Vendor.

By Job - If you select this option but are not using Jobs, nothing prints.

The report will print by the option you selected.  

From / Thru (Subcontract, Vendor, or Job)

To run the report for a specific ID or ID range, click the Lookup icon to display a pop-up and then select a starting Subcontract ID. Repeat the process to select an ending Subcontract ID.

This field changes based on which option you picked: By Subcontract, By Vendor, or By Job.

Subcontract Status

Select a status option Only subcontracts with that status will print on the report. Options are



Both (Open and Closed)

Print Cost Activity Recap

Select this check box when you are printing by Job, in order to see the job information; otherwise, job information will not appear on the report. When selected, these additional options appear:

End of Contract (button)

Select this option to print the Job information under the TOTAL CONTRACT amount, which is located at the end of the subcontract. This is the default option.

Separate Page (button)

Select this option to print job information on a second page without a contract amount in the Amount column.

Include Message on Contract

If Include Message on Contract is checked, then a text box appears. Any text that you type into the text box is included in the report.

If Include Message on Contract is unchecked (default), no additional text is included in the report.


Click to print the report.

ClosedReport Description

This report lists the following information, based on your report selections.

PropertyCompany name and address section

Vendor name and address section

Section with:

Subcontract ID

Vendor ID

Job Number

Job Name

Subcontract Date

Body of the report with Change Order, Description, and Amount, including Job information if you are using Jobs and selected that option.

Totals section.

NOTE: Refer to Print Cost Activity Recap for additional information about how that option affects the report.

ClosedTo Print the Report

  1. From the eFinancials menu, select Contracts—Subcontracts—Print Subcontracts.
  2. Select options for the report. Use the Fields list for help.
  3. Click Print. The report opens in PDF format. Use the capabilities of PDF to download or print the report.

ClosedEffect of Permissions

User security permissions must be granted in the System module to access this menu item.

System—Security—Users—Contracts—Subcontracts—Print Subcontracts

See Also

Welcome to Contracts